Part 19

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A/H/N shared a post, tagging Y/N and Daniel in it

It was a photo of Daniel comforting Y/N

Caption: Today I saw this young lady going on a flight crying, she and her new husband where having a slight disagreement, he said something he shouldn't have (the video is already going around) he regretted it the moment she walked away. I allowed him to go on the plane to sort it. What I didnt expect was myself and the rest of the people on the aeroplane to start crying. I have never seen a couple love each other as much as they love each other. He apologised, he cried and he said the sweetest things to his new wife. She apologised to him and said alot of nice things to him as well. When I found out what they had been through it broke me. They have faced so much drama, scares and personal issues yet they still look at each other the same way they did when they first met! That look is a look I would love to experience one day. They truly are meant to be together. I went home after my shift and all I could think off was the sweet things they said to each other and how the just gel together. I wish this couple all the best for the future. Not that they need it cause nothing will break them apart! Thank you for making this flight memorable and thanks for ruining my make up 😂🤣

Y/N starts to tear up and Daniel is sitting in shock

Y/N replies: Thank you so much for your kindness, if you hadnt let him on the plane who knows what would have happened. Your words are so kind and touching. Thank you for what you have done for us

Daniel replies: I'm shocked and choked up. So I'm gonna say what my wife said. Thank you so much for allowing me to board the plane. I'm so happy you did as I can't and won't lose my wife. She means far to much to me to lose her. So Thank you again!

Y/N and Daniel get off the flight and go to collect their luggage.

Its still really early here so they head to their hotel and go to sleep for a few hours.

Y/N wakes up and runs to the toilet.

Daniel gets up and goes behind her, he rubs her back and holds her hair

D: Are the Drs sure you lost the baby?
Y/N: Yeah, but I'm starting to doubt it
D: Me too, I'll go nip to the shop at the end of the road. I'll be back in 10 mins okay
Y/N: Okay baby, thank you
D: You dont have to thank me, I would do anything for you

Daniel quickly brushes his teeth and throws some clothes on

He rushes down to the shop and rushes back to the hotel.

He gets up to the room. Everything is quiet so he goes to find Y/N.

D: Baby?
D: Babe?
D: Where are you? You are scaring me

Still no reply from Y/N

Then he hears some groans coming from the bathroom.

He runs in to find Y/N on the floor.

D: What happened?
Y/N: I was being sick and I went all light headed, then it went black
D: I'm calling an ambulance

Daniel phones down to reception to explain to them, they phone an ambulance and send a first aider to the room

There is a knock at the door. It's the ambulance crew and the first aider

Paramedic = PM

F/A: Do you need me to stay?
PM: No it's okay

They come to ask Daniel what happened so he explains everything.

They check Y/N over and take her into hospital.

Dr: Good morning Mr and Mrs Seavey, I am Dr Hubert.
Y/N: Morning
D: Hey
Dr: Can you tell me what happened?

Daniel explains the story again but to the Dr.

Dr: I will get the nurse to take some blood tests, but I think you've been under to much stress the last 3 days and you are dehydrated as well.
D: This is my fault
Y/N: No it's not
Dr: What I think has happened is, you were pregnant with more than one baby, so you may have lost one or maybe just have been a small bleeding.
Y/N: Okay
Dr: I will organise the nurse to do an ultrasound and blood tests. We will put you on a drip for a few hours to give your body some fluids.
D: Thank you so much Dr
Dr: No worries

The Dr goes away and the nurse comes in.

N: I'm here to do bloods and an ultrasound
Y/N: Yeah, thanks

The nurse just stares blankly at Y/N.

D: Em excuse me?
N: What?
D: What is your problem? If you dont like your job then dont do it?! There is no need to come in here all rude and unpleasant towards us.
N: I can leave
D: Perfect, send it someone else
N: Ok

The nurse walks off and hands the case over to another nurse.

N/2: Good morning, my name is Kyla and I will be taking some bloods from you
D: Thank you
Y/N: What's up with that other nurse?
N/K: Sadly just her personality.
Y/N: She shouldn't be doing this job with an attitude like that.
N/K: Its her last day, she retires after today
D: Ohh good!

The nurse takes some blood and then does the ultrasound

N/K: Well Mrs Seavey, you have 2 healthy babies in there. It looks like there could have been a 3rd baby but I'll let the Dr look at the results etc first
Y/N: Thank you
D: After these 2 we are never making children again! We will have a football team before we know it
Y/N: *laughs* hmmm sounds good *laughs*
D: You are kidding right?!
Y/N: Maybe!
N/K: You two are cute together. Is this your first pregnancy?
D: No it's our 2nd!
N/K: Do you have a son or daughter
Y/N: We have both, we had twins 3 and half years ago
N/K: Oh wow! I understand your husbands comment now
D: Yeah, if they keep coming in 2's I'm gonna need a bus!
Y/N: Behave! Imagine if it was 3....
D: Dont go there!
Y/N: Awwwwww why not?!
D: I'm in shock, I don't need a bigger surprise
N/K: Em I think you might be getting it
D: W-What?!
N/K: Baby number 3 is sitting right there, a very shy baby by the looks of it.
D: Ohhh my *passes out*
Y/N: Oh my god! DANIEL!!
N/K: Can we get some help in here please?

A nurse and Dr comes rushing in. They get Daniel up of the floor and lying on a bed beside Y/N.

Dr: He should be okay, probably just fainted. We will check on him in 5 mins
Y/N: O-okay thanks. Some honeymoon this is

*3 mins later*
D: Ugggghhh what happened?
Y/N: I don't think you want to know
D: We are gonna be a family of 7! May as well tell me baby number 4 is in there too.
N/K: Well....
Y/N: Oh no! Not again!
N/K: I'm going to scan around a bit more to make sure
Y/N: Okay

Daniel is holding Y/N's hand whilst watching the screen when.....

Dating Daniel Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora