I didn't see anyone and as I closed my eyes and listened, my ears hadn't picked up a sound besides the cars. I found an opening just a few feet away from the path I just took and it was clear. The trees had looked like they been cut down in this particular spot but why? It was shaped into a circle with the other trees surrounding it. I wonder if we'd come down here tonight or stay closer to the house.

I looked around and up at the trees as I stood their. They began to stretch but this time it hadn't bugged me out the way they leaned and towered over me and how the tops of them began to shade my outer surroundings. I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds. I grabbed the band on my arm, glad that I brought one, and tied my hair up into a bun on top of my head.

I grabbed my dagger, holding it in my hand. I threw it up in the air and it came back down slowly into my palm. I tossed it under my fingertips before I grabbed onto the blade. The sharpest part of the knife felt like it had more of a grip to it then the handle of it. I slid my thumb across the tip, creating a mini pool of blood on top of my finger. Just as it began to bleed, it stopped and dried itself. The open skin began to attach itself and heal. I couldn't feel a thing.

I picked up the blade again, holding it with my fingers around the sharpest part and I turned my body to the trees. I held my hand up in front of my view and measured the trees distance and bark size with inches of my fingers before I lifted the knife and threw it toward the tree. It hit right at the middle of the tree and a smile appeared on my face.

"Better get used to this Zoe" I said to myself.

I ran to grabbed the knife and pulled it out of the tree. I went back to stand in the same spot again but this time I didn't measure anything, I just threw the dagger and it landed tip first in the same spot.

When I retrieved it again and came back to the spot I didn't decide on throwing it yet. I wanted to try something different, I wanted to see how far my powers could take me so I summoned them into my blood, turning every drop black including the red that pooled out earlier from my fingertip. I had my palms open and my eyes closed as it took over my body.

It hisses and I open my eyes to the trees around me. My head goes to the side as my eyes examine the tree about fifteen feet away from me. I lift the dagger in my hand by the blade and squint my eyes, throwing it with little force I have at first. I expect it to hit a tree but it doesn't.

My eyes widen as it goes past the tree, around the brown bark and back to me like a boomerang. I don't catch it, I move out the way turning my body the slightest to the right. The dagger hits a tree behind me.

"Shit" I say to myself before I snatch the knife from the tree.

I look to the trees again and this time I just throw it. It swings itself in funnels and twirls back toward me, I catch it with my right hand and smile. I pick it up by the blade really fast and I draw my hand back as far as I can before I throw it with all the force I have in my arm from the power coursing through my veins.

It hits a tree and I head over to grab it but the first tree doesn't hold the dagger. It holds a big hole in the middle of it as I trace the empty space with my finger tips I just held the knife with. I close my eyes and send my powers away before I head to the next tree behind the first. It also has a hole about one inch. The next held a hole and so does the next one and this continues on for about five more trees until I finally reach the tree that holds the dagger. The entire blade is stuck inside the tree and I use all the force I hold without my powers to pull it out.

There's not a single mark on it and I'm glad for that. I'll have to do this again sometime, I'd never thought that the weapon I have could do what I just did. It acted as a boomerang which means no one would be able to use it but me, it would return to only me.

The Gifted HybridWhere stories live. Discover now