I greedily sipped on my water. As a result, I spilled some and when I set my cup back down, I had water droplets flowing down my chin to my tank top cum dress.

In response, Jasper sipped on his iced lemon tea.

"So, what is it about my assignment that was so urgent?"

"It's hard," I pouted. "Too hard for me."

Jasper took my words in with a slow nod. "I see. The sociology one, right?"

"That's right. The library didn't have the most recent textbook edition, so I had been working on it with Internet articles. I don't think I'm going to score very high that way. I feel handicapped working on something not knowing any parameters. You know how the Internet is."

"You wanna borrow my textbook?"

"You have a textbook?"

"Why wouldn't I have the textbook, Ava?"

"When can I have it?"

"It's at the warehouse. We can drop by for a while after dinner."

I cocked my head at him contemplatively.

"I'll drive slow."


I grabbed the serviette to dab the water on my very form fitting, short dress.

"How old are you?" Jasper asked me.

I looked up at him, blinking. "Seventeen, why?"

He muttered, "just wondering. You're bright for your age, doing all our assignments."

"I don't really have a choice, do I now?"

"I suppose not. But if I could repay the favor in any way," he flashed me a charming smile.

But I wasn't the only one swooning. The waitress who arrived with our food was swooning too. But today evening Jasper's attention was on me and only me. It felt so strange.

I didn't even feel like myself.

Dinner was over in a jiffy, and the air was thick with something I couldn't quite describe. I excused myself to the restroom to breathe, and to take another swig of vodka because the effects seemed to be running out.

I casted a quick glance in the mirror. I'd worn eyeliner and lip gloss too, and I had to agree with Jasper's words. I did clean up quite decently. I took another swig of vodka just in case.

When I re-emerged from the restroom, my fingertips were tingling and I felt like I was floating. I skipped towards Jasper when I spotted him, and pressed myself against his side.

He was paying the bill, and he stiffened when I came in contact with him. I grabbed his arm and when he looked down at me, I smiled my sweetest smile.

He winked at me, before returning his attention to the cashier. But his arms circled my waist and it felt like I was living life in technicolor for the first time. His hands remained on my waist until we reached his car.

He opened the door for me, and I entered the car as gracefully as I could. The strap of my dress slid down my shoulders, and I giggled.

"Are you drunk?"

"No," I slurred out.

He fixed the strap of my dress, before closing the door for me and walking over to the driver's side of the car.

When he backed out of the parking lot, I reminded him to drive slow.

"I got this," he assured me.

I leaned back against the seat, shutting my eyelids and relishing in the foreign sensation of intoxication. I felt like I could do anything.

When we stopped at a red light, I grabbed Jasper's free hand and brought it to my lap.

"My hands are cold," I told him.

He gave me a sideways glance, raising an eyebrow.

He let go of the brake when the light turned green. I moved his hand so they now rested snugly on my left thigh.

Just like how I pictured my first date to be. Perfect.

The air was so tense you could cut it with a knife. I moved Jasper's hands higher up my thighs, until they grazed the hem of my dress.

When we arrived at the warehouse, Jasper landed two sharp knocks on the door. After too long, he dug into his pockets and retrieved a ring of keys.

"Looks like no one's home," he said as he unlocked the door.

The pitbull greeted us. None of us paid any mind to the dog.

As soon as we were inside, Jasper pressed me against the closed door. All of a sudden, all I could see and smell was Jasper. We looked into each other's eyes for a long time, before Jasper lifted a hand to move my hair away from my face.

"God, you're beautiful."

My heart leaped in my chest. I went in for the kill before I could chicken out.

Jasper's lips were pillow soft, just like I imagined. He tasted of iced lemon tea.

"Why'd you tell Finn I stole his cocaine?" I murmured into the kiss.

Jasper pulled away like I'd just splashed him with hot water.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Why did you tell Finn I stole 2kg of coke?"

Jasper backed away from me. "You're drunk."

"But I've been meaning to ask you this for days now. Even when I wasn't drunk," I pouted.

"Why would I tell Finn something like that?"

I shrugged, trying to meet his eyes, but he won't look at me anymore. "Maybe just to put the blame somewhere else. Maybe you did it."

"Why would I steal my own cocaine? It's mine," he said, not looking at me. He whipped his phone out.

All of a sudden, the air wasn't filled with sexual tension anymore. But my head was so foggy I wasn't even sure what I was feeling anymore. I could feel my knees buckle under me. The sound of a car pulling into the driveway caught both of our attentions.

Jasper wrenched the door open before I could react.

"She's drunk, take care of her." I heard Jasper saying to someone outside.

"Who the fuck?" I recognized the sound of Finn's voice. "Jas, I swear to god you need to stop bringing girls here."

I heard the sound of a car door slamming, then the squealing of tires and a string of swear words.

The next time the door opened, it was Finn and he looked annoyed.

"Oi, you have three seconds to get out," he called to the dark space.

I watched the way his eyes searched the warehouse, before finally landing on my crouched form on the floor. His eyes hardened as he made his way over.

But as he came closer, his facial expression changed.

"Ava?" He frowned in confusion. "Why are you on the floor and what the fuck are you wearing?"


a/n: hehe vote and comment

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