Day 25 - Blankets (Analogical)

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C.W: Non-sexual omegaverse, omega heat, talk of sex.

This is literally 'how many times can Echo avoid saying 'sex' in one fic'. 

This song tho. I am in love.


Virgil woke up in a lot of discomfort. He was boiling and drenched in sweat. His pajama bottoms were soaked with slick. He groaned and curled in on himself. He turned over and tried to get back to sleep and only then noticed the body next to him.

He'd fallen asleep with Logan last night. Logan had smelled Virgil's pre-heat and asked him about it but Virgil promised it wasn't for another few days yet. He was wrong.

Virgil eased out of the bed, hoping none of his slick had gotten on the sheets, and left the room. He went back to his room and, as his nesting urges had kicked in, grabbed his bedsheets and pillows. He wandered down the hall to the cupboard the others had reserved for his heat. Patton had his own too, just incase they synced up.

He started arranging the sheets as quietly as possible, so he didn't wake any of the others up. It was only six 'o' clock, meaning only Patton was up. Each pillow was carefully placed before he crept down the hall to the laundry room. Roman had given Virgil permission to borrow his stuff during heats, being an alpha, and Logan had as well, as Virgil's boyfriend.

Virgil rummaged through the basket, grabbing Roman and Logan's stuff. He arranged those in his nest as well. The whole thing only took about 25 minutes, and once he was content, he climbed in and closed the doors. He stripped his clothes off, only leaving his boxers on, and laid down, preparing to wait out the discomfort.


Some time later, he heard knocking on his door. He placed his phone aside and checked his nest was still okay.

"It's Patton, Kiddo."

"Come in." His voice was more strained than he'd like.

Patton carefully opened the doors and crouched down beside the nest. He had a plate of fried eggs and bacon. "I brought you breakfast. Do you want it?"

Virgil nodded and took the plate and cutlery. He tucked in right away as Patton chatted to him.

A door opened down the hall and Virgil froze. He started tidying up his nest, but Patton quickly closed the doors, understanding what it's like for an alpha to see an omega's nest when the omega isn't ready.

"Hey Ro!"

Footsteps leading up to his cupboard. "How's he doing?"

"Alright, I think. We just need to wait this out."

"Does he need anything? Blankets? I could get my duvet. Does he want Logan?"

"Roman, he's-"

Virgil couldn't help but whine when he heard Logan's name. Maybe he didn't want to be alone during this heat. He wanted Logan.

"Virgil, do you want Logan?" Patton asked.

Virgil nodded, but realised they couldn't see him. "Please."

He heard more footsteps away from him.

"Okay, Kiddo. We're alone."

Virgil pushed on the doors, letting them drift open. He handed the finished plate back to Patton, who gave him a gentle smile. Virgil started fixing up his nest for Logan. He wanted it to be perfect.

When they heard the living room door again, after about five minutes, Patton shut the cupboard doors, letting Virgil make any finishing touches.

"Hello Patton."

"Hey Logan! Virgil's almost ready, just give him a minute."

Virgil pushed on the doors, letting Patton know to open the door.

"Virgil, your nest is beautiful. It's so neat." Logan said, as Patton opened the doors.

Virgil gestured for Logan to get in. He carefully stepped over the pillows by the entrance and sat down in front of Virgil, making sure not to touch any of the walls.

"I'll leave you two to it." Patton smiled and shut the doors.

The couple sat in silence for a moment. Logan, though he'd been with Virgil through his heat before, didn't want to overstep any boundaries. Virgil knew Logan was worried, and wanted to ease his concern, but he didn't know what to say.

"Can you take your shirt off?" Virgil croaked, before blushing past the heat flushes. "Sorry, that was weird. You don't have to, I just-"

"Virgil, it's okay." Logan offered Virgil a reassuring smile before pulling his shirt off and handing it to Virgil. Virgil smiled back and turned around to position it on his nest.

Once he had carefully placed the shirt, Virgil turned back to Logan, who was looking slightly uncomfortable. "You don't have to stay," Virgil offered.

"I want to stay. I want to make sure you're okay. This morning's been awful, finding you gone and the-" Logan blushed with embarrassment, and cleared his throat to stall- "evidence of your heat. It was very unnerving."

Virgil couldn't help but chuckle. "Lo, it's just a heat, I'm not dying." He leaned forward and pressed a sweet kiss to Logan's lips, adding to their blushes.

When he pulled away, his boyfriend was just as rigid as before. Virgil launched forward and knocked Logan down in a hug. Logan froze when he hit the wall of the nest, scared that Virgil would be upset.

"Virgil, your nest."

"I don't care." Virgil pecked Logan's lips again and snuggled into his chest.

Logan gently rubbed the scent gland on his wrist against one on Virgil's neck. Virgil hummed and sighed in content. They'd discussed that scenting was fine, and actually helped a lot.

They had also clarified that Virgil preferred not to give into the primal instincts generally associated with omega heats. He'd rather not lose his virginity with a foggy mind and barely any other comprehensible thought other than 'MATE'.

As Virgil drifted off to sleep, safe in Logan's arms, he knew this heat would be bearable.


Ew this is short.

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