Day 15 - Truth(LAMP/Polysanders)

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C.W. Feelings of betrayal, crying, fear.

Oof this is not good.


'That's how you know he loves you,

That's how you know it's true.'

Enchanted played in the background, but none of them were particularly listening to, or watching it. They were too focused on each other.

Logan sat with his back against the arm of the sofa. Patton's back was against his chest, with Roman cuddled into his side, still facing the TV. Virgil lay on top of Patton, chest against his stomach. Roman was lazily pressing chaste kisses to Patton's cheek, neck and jaw. Virgil was fast asleep and Logan wasn't too far behind.

Patton smoothed Virgil's curly hair away from his face so he could see his face. It wasn't often that Virgil looked so peaceful, but when he was with his boyfriends? Well, the glass is definitely half full.

Roman cupped Patton's other cheek and tilted his head towards him. Patton smiled and leant in, pressing his lips to Roman's. "I love you, Ro."

"I love you too, Pat."

Patton sighed, "I'm so lucky to have so many amazing soulmates. When I met Virgil, sure I loved him, but I always felt like something was missing. Then I met Logan-" Logan hummed, showing his sleepy appreciation for his soulmates- "and then you, and I finally felt complete."

Roman turned onto his back carefully, not wanting to disturb Logan. Logan's arm draped over Roman's chest anyway, thumb brushing over his bare skin. They were all in pyjamas and Roman couldn't be bothered putting a t-shirt on, considering he slept without one on.

Roman sighed, the tightness in his chest returning. He always assumed it was guilt, but he couldn't tell anyone about it, especially not his boyfriends. It came from being called 'soulmate.' Ever since he'd learned about the concept, he'd been so desperate to find his for two reasons.

One: soulmates held a bond that no single person could break. It was a partnership that could last for someone's whole life.

Two: he'd heard about all of the wondrous colours that overtook the world once you meet your soulmate. He was most excited to see red. It sounded so powerful, so passionate.

Shame he couldn't see it.

"Ro? You okay?" Patton asked.

Roman turned to see Patton, eyebrows raised with worry. He glanced up at Logan, who matched his expression.

He knew he'd have to tell them eventually, but he was dreading it. He'd kept up this lie for so long that he was scared they'd feel betrayed. Thing was, he truly loved them all. Even if they weren't his soulmates.

When he met Logan, he felt something. Something special. He was certain that was what it felt like when soulmates met. He even had the bright flash that was supposed to happen.


When he looked back at Logan, he only fell more in love. His eyes were wide and his lips were parted, staring at the world in awe.

"Please tell me you see the colours," Logan said, still completely dazed.

Roman was glad Logan wasn't looking at him to see the sadness in his expression. The world was still its dismal greys, not having burst into colour like what is supposed to happen.

"I... yeah." Roman hoped his disappointment passed as breathlessness, either from the colours he was supposed to be seeing, or from how beautiful Logan looked.

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