Day 17 - Dance (Prinxiety)

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C.W: Gets a bit spicy, swearing.


Every Christmas, Patton's theatre group put on a showcase. Each age group (there were three) performed two dances, two songs and a drama piece. Virgil, as Patton's brother, was dragged along to every one. He didn't hate being there, but he would rather be at home doing literally anything else.

The curtain rose. The audience applauded the dancers, who were standing ready. Each family clapped particularly loud for their own child, but Virgil clapped louder than anyone as he saw Patton beaming at him.

The music started and so did the dancers. They weren't particularly in sync with each other, but there was such a strong sense of community that it felt like they were. You could see each one's individual style shining through.

Patton, specifically, was a lot more playful than the others. Virgil would often find him bouncing around their room, bopping to whatever was on the speaker. He preferred to put his playlist on shuffle and dance to whatever he encountered rather than plan out what was coming next. Every so often, a song would come on that he'd learnt choreography to, and he'd stop whatever he was doing to dance.

Virgil stifled a laugh his brother's feeble attempt at a body roll, but when he looked back up, he noticed someone.

This guy was right beside Patton, how Virgil didn't notice him before he would never know, and  he was the only other guy in the group. His and Patton's styles conflicted so much, it was almost comical. This guy was in his element. His body rolls were spot on, he had all the sass required with some left over, and just enough control in the more technical section. And Virgil was very much into it.

The guy's floppy, unnaturally red hair had no business making Virgil want to card his fingers through it. His concentrated smile, tip of his tongue caught between his teeth, didn't have the right to get Virgil as flustered as he was. His lips should have made Virgil want to kiss them until they were bruised.

He was pulled out of his very homosexual thoughts as the stranger walked off stage. Virgil leaned over to his mother.

"I'm going to the toilet," he hummed, already out of his seat and squeezing along the row. His mother nodded in response and turned her attention back to the director, who was announcing the next group.

Virgil walked straight past the public toilets and through to the boys' dressing room. It was surprisingly empty, aside from a few little kids, Patton, and the stranger. Virgil marched right over to Patton and grabbed his arm, swivelling around to storm back out the door. He let out a gasp but relaxed when he saw it was Virgil.

"Virge, what's all this for?" He asked, chuckling lightly. Virgil pushed out of the dressing room and let go of his brother.

"Who's the guy dancing next to you?"

Patton smirked, giving Virgil a knowing smile that they were both too familiar with. "You mean Roman?"

"Roman," Virgil mumbled, a little breathless.

"If it helps, he's gay. And single, as far as I know."

Virgil felt a little bit of hope bubble in his chest. It was so long since he'd had a crush on anyone, and this guy seemed not too far out of reach. "Tell me about him. Please."

Patton laughed. He patted Virgil's shoulder and grabbed the door handle. "I will, but I need to go. We're on again soon. Watch Roman, you'll enjoy it." He winked and disappeared into the dressing room.

Virgil paused for a moment, before making his way back into the hall.


After a drama piece by the younger kids, the older group were back on. This time they were dancing to Beyonce's Schoolin' Life. Not exactly an innocent song, and Virgil wondered if the dance would match the lyrics.

And oh yes it did. Clearly the choreography was made for the girls to dance to, but Roman pulled it off so well. Body popping and hip thrusting so well, Virgil was trying (and failing) to hide his blush.

The group spun and dipped, pulling back up sassily, almost like a bend and snap (and Virgil hated that he knew that). On the way back up, Roman looked directly at Virgil. He smirked, and put extra effort into the next hip thrust, eyes still trained on Virgil. It was as if he was daring Virgil to look away. And he didn't, instead, letting his cheeks darken.


After the showcase, Patton was taking extra long to come out of the changing rooms. Virgil was sent to get him, albeit begrudgingly. He wandered down the hall to the boys' dressing room. He walked in, expecting to see Patton getting his stuff ready, but instead the room was empty. He turned to leave, but was pulled back into the adjoining bathroom.

He was roughly pushed into a stall, and was preparing himself to scream for help, before seeing a familiar face.

"Roman..." Virgil breathed.

"Aw, you know my name. Is that what you were asking Patton about? Were you too scared to ask me yourself," he flirted.

"Sh...shut up." Virgil ducked his head away, not wanting Roman to see his blush this close up.

Roman took his chin and tilted his head back towards him, smirking.

"You're cuter when you blush."

And Virgil couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed the sides of Roman's jumper and pulled him in, closing the already small gap between them. Their lips crashed together, moving in sync (more than the dancers were, anyway). Roman arms automatically wrapped around Virgil's waist, and Virgil finally got to run his fingers through Roman's hair. Roman licked Virgil's bottom lip, almost begging for entrance, but Virgil wanted to play a bit more, push the boundaries on what this stranger could handle. He didn't have to wait long, though, as Roman's hand went down to squeeze his ass. Virgil gasped, letting Roman lick into his mouth. Their tongues danced around each other, both fighting for dominance.

It probably would have gone further, but they were somewhat rudely interrupted by a voice coming from the dressing room.

"Virge? Mum's waiting on us!" Patton called out.

"Shit," Virgil hissed, pushing Roman away from himself.

Roman edged back forward and took Virgil's arm. He pulled a sharpie out of his pocket and pulled Virgil's sleeve up. He scribbled down his number and tugged Virgil's sleeve back down. Pressing a quick kiss to Virgil's lips, he opened the door.

"I'll wait here until you're gone. He won't know."

Virgil smiled and dashed out of the cubicle, making sure he didn't look too dishevelled.


Next Christmas, Virgil found himself there not only for his brother, but also for his boyfriend. And he enjoyed it much more this time around.


If you know me in real life, hi. You probably know what I'm talking about but hey ho. If you don't know, the theatre group mentioned is Stagecoach Performing Arts. I don't think you get it in America so...

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