Chapter 3

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-2 weeks later-
*Farting noise*

"God damn it Eddie!" Aleks yelled. We all were hanging out in the stream room, trying to keep away from Jordan. Jordan is stressing out and it doesn't help that people are starting back up with the hate on what happened with Gassy because of some recent events. So Dan has us all in the stream room to keep away from him. Even though Dan is in Jordan's office making sure that he doesn't do anything stupid.

"God damn it stinks! What the hell did you eat!" I said laughing but covering my mouth and noise with my shirt. "I'll be back, bathroom break." I got up and walked out. I walked by Jordan's office to find Dan in there but no Jordan. "Where's Jordan?" I asked as I opened the door.

"Bathroom, he should be coming back here soon." Dan said not looking up from his laptop. He was editing something, I could tell. I closed the door and walked out to go down the stairs to go to the bathroom. Jordan was just walking out of the bathroom as I cut the corner by the bathrooms.

"Hey Fall." Jordan said. His eyes were bloodshot and their was tear stains on his face. He looked like a wreck.

"Oh Hordan," I said wrapping him in a hug. He started to cry again and we just stood like this while he cried on my shoulder. "It'll be okay. Haters are gonna hate but you know you have an amazing fan base that is helping crack down on those haters. You'll be okay, their is always gonna be haters. And remember you have amazing friends and a wife here to that are always going to support you." I said pulling away from him slightly just enough to meet his eyes.

"Thats the thing Fall, Monica served me divorce papers this morning," Tears started to fall from his checks again. "She said the hate was getting to be to much for her and she didn't like how I worked more hours than I'm home."

"Well if she can't understand that that is apart of life then she shouldn't be apart of it, and atleast you have a job to support you both. It'll be okay, we'll all help you threw this Hordan." I said pulling him into a hug again.

"I just don't understand." Jordan cried.

"No one ever does, one day they love you then the next they leave you." I said slightly squishing him. The next thing I know I feel a pair of lips on mine. My eyes snap open but soon closing as I give in. I started to kiss back and soon the kiss went deeper. We pulled away and I looked down, blushing. My phone started to ring and I looked to see Tom aka Synicate. "I gotta take this." I said and I walked away.

"Hey Tom," I said into the phone.

"Hey Fallyn! I'm stuck in the Denver airport, is their away I could come stay with you or Sly? I'm stuck here for a couple of days until their is a open flight." Tom said. Its a busy time for airlines because of summer break.

"Yeah, let me ask Dan or Sly then I'll call you back." I said looking over at Jordan. He locked eyes with me but soon broke it and walked back to the office.

"Okay Fall, Thank you so much! I owe you one!" Tom said. We said our goodbyes then I stuck my phone in my pocket then went into the bathroom.

Walking back into the office, I walked into Jordan's office to talk to Dan. "Hey Dan, you remember Syndicate right? He missed his flight and is now stuck here in Colorado for a couple days. Is their away that you could let me borrow your car and go get him? I'm going to ask Eddie if Tom can stay with him."

"Yeah you can borrow it but don't crash it!" Dan threw me the keys, "And don't bother asking Eddie, he can just stay with us." I walked in avoiding Jordan's gaze and hugged Dan. I walked out, closing the door. I ran into the stream room.

"Who wants to go to the airport to pick up a stranded Syndicate?" I said excitedly.

"ME!!" Eddie and Aleks screamed.

"Okay lets go! I'm driving!" I said pulling out my phone. I called Tom back.

"On my way to pick you up, your staying with me at Dan's house." I said once Tom answered.

"Oh thank you! I've been editing and stuff so no hurry. Call me or text me when you can see the airport." I said okay and then we said our goodbyes. I hopped in the drivers seat, having to move it forward slightly because of how short I am. I grabbed the cord that Dan has and plugged my phone in. I pressed shuffle and the song Good Girls by 5 Seconds of Summer I screamed a little and started to sing along. Aleks and Eddie got in the car and just kinda sat there but soon was dancing in there seats. After the song ended we had decided to go threw the Mc Donald's dive threw to get food. I just got a large fry and a chocolate shake, Eddie got Chicken nuggets and a large fries, but Aleks decided that he was hungry and bought almost everything off the damn menu. Once we finished eating, Aleks was still going and decided he was going to give Tom the rest of the food. I still had part of my shake left and I was slowly sipping at it.

"So Fallyn, what took you so long in the bathroom?" Eddie questioned wiggling his eyebrows slightly.

"Tom called me before I was able to go. Why do you ask?" I said trying not to sound suspicious.

"Well Dan asked me to go look for Jordan, said that he went to the bathroom. When I walked down the stairs and cut the corner to find you and Jordan sticking your tongues down each others throats." Eddie said, blush creeped onto his checks a little bit from remembering the awkward encounter. My checks turned tomato red as I focused on the road more just to avoid the conversation. "Look Fall, you know he is married right?" I nodded but opened my mouth to say something. "Then why did you let him kiss you?"

"Monica served him divorce papers this morning. He said he signed them. I don't know what came over me, he just planted his lips on mine. I was about to pull away but I just didn't. I couldn't bring myself to." I said feeling a little guilty. I just couldn't really explained what happened.

"Do you like Jordan?" Aleks asked. I honestly don't know if I can answer that.

"I don't know..." I said trailing off.

"Well I think you outta figure it out before someone gets hurt." Aleks said. After that the whole ride was quiet except for the music playing. I grabbed my phone off the cord after we finally got to the airport and opened the door to get out. I called Tom and told him that I was headed into the airport and to come to the main entrance. I walked in the doors, alone might I add. Eddie and Aleks didn't make any move to get out so I just came in by myself. I spotted Tom standing alone off to the side so I walked over to him.

"Hey Tom," I said smiling.

"Hey Fallyn, wow you are really short." Tom said laughing.

"I know," I said laughing a bit, "I could say the same for you!"

"Well I should be like 6 foot but I stopped growing once I hit 5 foot 9." Tom laughed a little at the end. "Did you come by yourself?"

"No, Eddie and Aleks came but didn't want to come inside I guess. Things kinda happened in the car and now they are kinda sorta not talking to me I guess. I don't even understand it myself why they freaked out as much as they did." I said kinda looking away from him.

"What happened?" Tom asked, he cocked his head to the side a little looking confused.

"Well its kinda a long story. I'll tell you it later. Let's go!" I said smiling at the end. Tom grabbed his suitcase and I carried his duffle bag after him protesting saying that he could carry it. As we walked out to the car I noticed Eddie had moved to the back seat with Aleks. The bag of food for Tom was sat in the front seat with his name on it in Sharpie. I popped the trunk from the inside and he threw his bags in the back and shut it.

-Fart-T-X CT snapshot at top-

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