Chapter 9

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" Your so dead Fallyn!" Dan yells laughing. Jordan takes off after me. I scaled the stairs like they were on fire. Soon I was hiding under the bed in the basement bedroom. I heard the door open and saw Jordan's bare feet walk in.

"Hmm, maybe I should sit on the bed." Soon I was being sat on. Jordan decided he was going to start bouncing up and down.

"Alright, Alright! I give up!" Jordan got up so that I could crawl out. I was soon attacked with kisses. Jordan had me pinned down on the bed and was kissing all over my face, again. I burst into fits of laughter.

Soon after our little chase thingy happened, I had taken a shower and got all ready to record a video once Jordan ever decides to come out of the bathroom.

"Jordan? What's taking so long?" I asked knocking on the bathroom door, "You've been in there for two hours."

The door opens to a shirtless, hasn't showered yet, Jordan. "How do you get this stuff off your face?" A makeup smeared faced Jordan asks.

"Makeup remover, how else would it come off?" I asked laughing.

"I dunno, I figured water would wash it off but it didn't." Jordan said. I walked around him and got in the cabinet behind him. I grabbed my makeup removing wipes and made Jordan sit down on the toilet. I washed his face, leaving barely anything left on his face.

"Now you need to get in the shower and use some of this facial wash to take the rest of this off and to keep your skin clear. You may wanna trim your beard to just to get the makeup out of it." Jordan grabbed his trimmer and plugged it in. He trimmed up his beard while I went down stairs to watch a movie on Netflix. An Hour later a cleaned up Jordan came walking in.

"Fallyn, I think its time for me to get a hair cut. Would you maybe cut my hair when we get to the office? We could make that into a video!" Jordan said. We both got up and got everything to take to the office. I got all of my hair cutting stuff, while Jordan got himself a different shirt. We put the stuff in the car then headed to the office

Once we got to the office, we had to use the back door because the front lobby area was being used for a video and they were recording when we go there. Jordan and I got everything set up for a little update video he was going to do, just to let everyone know what he was going to be starting and finishing. Jordan and I will not be announcing our relationship until I get back to Colorado. We just decided that it would be better if we waited a little longer.

Jordan had me control the camera while he talked. "Hey guys, Today I'm just going to let you in on some new things I'm adding to the channel and some things I am ending. I am going to be starting a new Minecraft series with BrokenAngel14 and lots of other friends! The first video will be put up on September 1st!" Jordan went on for the rest of the video and talked about a whole bunch of things.

After the video, Jordan put the SD card in his computer to find that there was no audio in the video. He had forgot to make sure the mic was on before he had me start recording.

"Good job Smarts," I said laughing.

"I can't believe I did that." Jordan said chucking a bit.

"We can rerecord it after your haircut." I said as I walked out into the now almost empty lobby. James and Aleks were going to "help" with this whole thing which will more than likely consist of them making fun of Jordan and I.

"Jordan sit in the chair, I'll get you all set up." I said. Jordan sat down and I put the tarp thing over him. I got him all ready for the video. James walks in as soon as Aleks hits record and the first thing that came out of his mouth was, "Let's toucher Jordan!" Aleks and I burst into laughter while Jordan looked terrified.

"Hey guys! Jordan has been needing a haircut for a while now so we though, Why don't we have Fallyn cut his hair and record it. If you guys didn't know, Fallyn is going to be going to school here in Colorado for beauty school, so of course she needs some practice, and who better do do it on than Jordan!" Aleks said. I flipped on the razor and started cutting his hair. Aleks and James were cracking jokes and making fun of Jordan. I'd join in everyone and a while, making Jordan blush. Soon the video had ended and Jordan and I had rerecorded his update video. It was close to dinner time and we all were super hungry.

"Let's go to Subway or McDonalds or something," A very hungry James said.

"Let's go to Pizza Hut!" Aleks said.

"McDonalds sound so much better," Jordan said. I agreed. I was just so hungry, all I wanted was somewhere with a short waiting time.

"McDonalds it is!" James said. We all go up and walked to Jordan's car. The longer we drove, the more my tummy said I'M HUNGRY GIVE ME FOOD! We finally pulled into the drive of McDonalds, and we all piled out. Jordan waited for me, then he grabbed my hand and interwind our fingers. We walked into McDonalds and was soon greeted by some teenage boys and a couple of girls. They asked for pictures with James and Aleks, but soon stopped in their tracks as they saw Jordan and I's interwind hands.

"Are you guys dating?" The girls asked. They glared at me.

"Yes, we are." Jordan said proudly. He wrapped his arm around my waist. I smiled at the girls shyly.

"Wow, you could have done so much better." One of the girls said. The other girl glared at me.

"No, I couldn't. She is perfect for me. Understands me in every way, through everything." Jordan then planted a kiss on my lips. The girls jaws drop, soon they stormed off, the boys following them.

After getting our food, we drove back to the office. Turning down the road to the office, tires screeched, glass broke, and my body was thrown into Jordan's. Then everything went black...

Until Then (ImmortalHD, Kootra, DanzNewz,TheSyndicateProject)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora