Chapter 10

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"Is this Dan Gidlow?" A man asked into the phone.

"Yes it is, who is speaking?"

"My name is Officer Alex Drumen. Your sister has just been in a horrible accident and is on her way to the hospital in an ambulance. It doesn't look good. She is headed to St. Vincent Hospital. I would gather up your friends and family. There were three other people in the car, one worse than your sister. If you could give me their names, it would help."

"I'll be there right away." I hung up the phone as tears ran down my face. I ran into Seamus's office where him and Dex were watching videos. They looked at me as I walked in and stood up seeing the tears. "We need to go to the hospital. They got in an accident." With that Seamus grabbed his keys and we locked up.

The drive to the hospital was long. Way to long of a drive. Walking into the hospital was a blur. The officer greeted us then took me to a room to talk.

"Your sister is stable, she is doing much better. We had to cut her and the driver out of the driver side. Her seatbelt broke upon impact, throwing her into the driver side. The other passenger on the passenger side is in very critical condition and it doesn't look good. Could you tell me the other three's names if you know them?" I sat there trying to hold the tears back.

"Jordan Mathewson was the driver and car owner. James Wilson and Aleks Marchant would have been in the back." I said looking down. Tears slowly fell from my eyes. "Can I see any of them?"

"Mr Mathewson and another are ready and awake. Room 230 is their room."

I walked down the hall to their rooms to see Jordan and Aleks. That means James isn't doing good...

"Hey Jordan, Hey Aleks. How you guys feeling?" I asked walking in.

"Sore, but good, we were lucky and didn't get hurt as bad. I grabbed Fallyn before she went out the windshield." Jordan told me, a few tears ran down his face.

"She is stable, but in a coma. They thing she will come out of it in a few days. James on the other hand, isn't doing well. It's not looking good. They said they don't think he will make it. I called his family to let them know. His mom is on her way here." I said as I sat down next to Jordan. "I still can't go and see either one." As I said that the doctor walked in.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Stenson. I'm the doctor taking care of Mr. Wilson and Ms. Gidlow." A tall male said.

"How are they?" Aleks asked.

"Ms. Gidlow is doing better, I expect her to be awake tomorrow night at the lastest. Mr. Wilson on the other hand is not doing good. We have him stable but it doesn't look good. The family has been contacted I assume?" Dr. Stenson asked looking at me.

"Yes, his mother is flying here but it could be a few hours." I said. He nodded.

"The first 24 hours are the worst. If he gets threw this, he has a greater survival rate. He has been put in a medical induced coma, but he will either come out of it, or won't. We aren't expecting him to come out of it." He looked around at us. We all had tears in our eyes.

"What if he makes it?" Aleks asked.

"Then he should come out of his coma naturally and should live a normal life." Aleks nodded as the Doctor talked more. "I'll let you know about Mr. Wilson and Ms. Gidlow as soon as I have more information." The doctor got up and walked out, shutting the door behind him.

"What happened Jordan?" I asked.

"I had the right of way. The other person ran their red light and t-boned me in James and Fallyn's doors." Jordan said. "I can't believe James might not make it. One of my best friends might die." Jordan let a few tears fall, not before whipping them.

"It's not our fault Jordan, the only one to blame was the person who t-boned you. It was their fault." I said. Aleks looked over at us.

"You couldn't have done anything Jordan. Don't blame yourself." Aleks said.


My eye lids feel as if they were glued shut. My body ached. I started to wake up, but soon pulled back. A hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to find James.

"It's my time Fallyn, but they said it's not yours. Tell everyone I love them and goodbye. I'll see them on the otherside." James started to walk away as I screamed for him.

"James, please don't go! Your fans, family, your friends they all will miss you! I'll miss you! Please James, don't go." I yelled crying. James stopped and turned around.

"It's time for me to leave, it's my time Fallyn. I'll see you on the otherside." James wrapped me in a hug. "Goodbye Fallyn." And soon James faded away.


It should be me. I should be the one barely hanging on. James has so much to live for.

"I have some good news and some bad news." The doctor said as he walked back in. "Ms. Gildow is awake and asking for you all."

"Well, what's the bad news?" Aleks asked.

"Mr. Wilson has passed away. I am so sorry." That's when we all broke. Tears upon tears came streaming down our faces. "His heart gave out, we tried everything, but we were unable to bring him back." The doctor slowly got up. "I'll leave you all to talk." He got up and left the room.

"He's gone. He is really gone." Dan whispered. Aleks had his pillow to his face, clenching it hard. Soon he let out a scream of pain and tears came falling down his face as he pulled the pillow away.

"It's impossible. James is still alive. He is awake. He just told the doctor to say this to upset us. The doctor and James are gonna walk in and scream Got ya!" Aleks said looking towards the door. He waited a while then sighed in frustration. He sat in his bed and cried himself to sleep.


James is gone. He left us here. It's hard to believe. My best friend left us. Left us here in this hell.

There was a knock at my door and Dan walked in. He immediately wrapped me in a hug.

"I'm so glad your okay." Dan said as we pulled away.

"I just wish James could have made it too. I saw him in a dream, I talked to him. He told me to tell everyone that he loved us and would see us soon." I said as a few tears ran down my face. "I miss him." Tears fell down my face as my voice went to nothing. Dan wrapped me in a hug, a gentle one, as if I might break in his arms.

Until Then (ImmortalHD, Kootra, DanzNewz,TheSyndicateProject)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя