Chapter 8

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-1 month later-

Jordan and I have officially been together for 1 month. Its been a pretty hectic month though. After the whole thing with Aleks happened, Sly decided he was going to leave the Creatures. The day he told us all was mostly a blur. Jordan and I ended up going to his house and him and I just kinda sat and watched movies to keep our mind off things. Sly decided he wouldn't announce it until shortly after the newest Creature is announced, due to him not wanting to think the new Creature is his replacement. The newest Creature, Dexter Manning, was unveiled and RTX 2 weeks ago. Dexter and I became pretty good friends, after he tried flirting with me the day he got here but was soon stopped by Jordan. Jordan decided he was going to have a make out session with me in front of Dexter to get the point across. Lets just say Dex turned red and apologized for flirting with me.

Jordan and I have just recently decided that I'm going to stay with him the rest of the time I'm here. I have 3 weeks left of my stay here, which then I will be back in 2 to 3 months at the earliest. 4 to 6 at most. Jordan and I are preparing ourselves for the time apart. We will like hang out with friends with out each other for a day so we can at least slowly get use to it.

My phone began to ring and Aleks's name popped up on my screen.

"Hey Aleks!" I said.

"Who the heck are you?" A voice said, it sounded like a girl.

"Who is asking?" I said.

"His girlfriend. Now who are you." She said rudely.

"Well hun, I'm the girl that can make you go from his girlfriend, to his ex girlfriend with just one phone call." I said rudely. I heard a huff and what sounded like her trying to speak but not finding words. "Speechless aren't you, hun?" Soon the line went dead. I laughed and walked into Jordan's office.

"Who were you talking to?" Jordan asked.

"Aleks's girlfriend I guess. She called me on his phone and tried chewing me out. I was like 'Honey, I can make you go from his girlfriend to his ex in just one phone call. Then she hung up on me." I said laughing. Jordan chuckled. I walked over to him and kissed his check." Whatch ya doin'?" I asked him as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Just editing my lastest video." Jordan said he turned around and pulled me into his lap. I cuddled up to him, getting as comfortable as I could. "How was your day? Did you and Liz have fun?"

"It was fun, just to have some girl time. We got our toe and finger nails painted. We did a little bit of shopping. Then she dropped me off." I said as I showed him what my nails looked like. "I also got my hair trimmed. I had some split ends so I had them trim an inch of my hair while my fingers were getting painted. You can't really tell a difference." I showed him the ends of my hair.

" I can a little bit. I like it, and your nails." Jordan said as he pecked my lips. "We should go get some food. Where do you wanna go?"

"Why don't I make us supper? I could make us breakfast for supper!" I said as i got up out of Jordan's lap. I went down into the kitchen and found pancake mix, chocolate chips, and everything else I would need. I poured the mixed up batter on the griddle. I was flipping the last set when two arms wrapped themselves around my waist. I held in a scream but soon my body relaxed. Jordan kissed my head then laid his head on my shoulder.

"I'm sooooo hungry," he said dragging out the so. He released himself from me and sat on the counter next to me. "Are they close to being done?" He asked.

"Not quite. Give me like 5 minutes for everything to be done." I said as I reached up to him and pecked his lips.

A few hours later supper had been devoured, a movie or two had been watched, and I was sitting with a passed out Jordan cuddled up to me. I put on another movie, but soon paused it as I got the best idea for a prank on sleeping Jordan. I got up but as I did, Jordan started to stir.

"Where are you going Fall?" He asked sleepily.

"Bathroom, I'll be right back." Jordan nodded then went back to sleep. I walked up to our room and got my make up bag. I walked back down and set everything out on the floor. I put eyeliner, eye shadow, lipstick, and blush on him. After taking many pictures, I picked my stuff up and ran quietly up the stairs and put everything away. I walked back down and got cuddled up with Jordan again. He started to stir but then stopped. I soon fell asleep cuddled up to him, but not before sending the picture to Aleks and Dan then posting it to Twitter and Instagram.

It had to have been pretty late in the morning when I woke up to Jordan screaming. I was now in bed and Jordan was standing at the full length mirror by our dresser.

"Fallyn, what did you do to me?" Jordan says looking at me. I started to laugh uncontrollably as Jordan came towards me. He climbed on the bed and started to kiss all over my face, leaving lipstick prints on my face. I kept laughing and would scrunch my face up when he would kiss my face.

"Umm... Jordan? Fallyn?" I heard a voice say. Our heads snapped to the doorway where Dan was standing. "I don't wanna know!" He screamed walking away.

"Look at your phone!" I yelled to him laughing.

"I already did!" Dan yelled back.

"YOU SENT IT TO DAN?!" Jordan screamed. I started laughing.

"And Aleks, its also on Twitter and Instagram." I said laughing. I got up and ran out of the room before Jordan could process what I said.

"WHAT?!" I heard as I ran out of the room. I hid behind Dan after running down the stairs. Jordan ran down the stairs but soon stopped as he seen I was behind Dan. "Come here Fallyn," Jordan said smirking. Jordan takes a step forward.

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