Chapter 18

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"Hey guys we thought we would make this in response to a video that Jordan, aka Kootra has recently posted. I feel it is finally time to come out and tell you guys everything. " I said.

"And we are doing this only because Jordan decided he wanted to talk about it." Aleks added.

"Alrighty so the real story is, once I moved to London, I got extremely sick. That is when I found out I was pregnant. Throughout that time Tom was by my side as request of Jordan and Dan so they knew I wasn't alone. Nothing happened between Tom and I. During this time however, Jordan grew closer with Steph, and ended up hooking up with her. I however didn't know until Dan and Jordan came to London. Dan pulled me in my room, told me what was going on. That is when I reveled I was pregnant to Dan. Then there was a big confrontation with Jordan and he went MIA. I then moved back to Colorado. I moved in with Aleks into his guest room due to Dan not having room for me at his apartment. Aleks and I grew close and we eventually started dating. My baby's father is Jordan Mathewson. And whether he likes it or not the baby is his. I want my child to grow up in the best way possible and if that means without Jordan in it's life, then I guess it has to happen that way. I will do what is best for my child, no matter what. " I said. Chat was blowing up with questions and comments. Some bashing Jordan and some say I'm lying and they believe Jordan. "You all can believe what you want. Myself and Aleks know the truth along with Dan, Tom and Jordan. If Jordan choses to continue this lie, then that is all on him and I will get a court ordered DNA test if it has to be this way."

"I will always choose to stand by Fallyn's side. I will raise this child as if it is my own. No matter what. I will do anything for Fallyn and this baby. They are my world, the reason I'm still breathing." Aleks kissed my forehead and rubbed my swollen belly.

As Aleks and I were reading comments and answering questions, one stuck out to me. "Why do you always lie Fallyn? We all know you're a slut deep down." Jordan. And that's when I lost it.

"Listen here Jordan. I'm far from a slut. I almost lost my brother because of you. I lost one of my best friends and almost my own life in a car accident you were the driver in. And I almost lost Aleks. Then when I lost my virginity to you, your dumbass didn't wear a condom like you said you would. And oh look, here is the result." I yelled pointing at my stomach, "Our son is the product of your dumbass carelessness. Then you had the fucking nerve to cheat on me. Cheat on me with the bitch who signed a fucking contract not to date anyone who works in the office. But then you tried to keep my brother from fucking telling me because you were going to fucking never tell me! I thank Dan every day for telling me because if he wouldn't of, I'd still be here thinking you were faithful to me like I was you. But I'm here, knowing the truth and happier then ever with my best friend. Aleks is doing everything you should have been doing, and he doesn't have to! This is the finale time I will address any of this, thank you for watching guys." I then ended the stream. I got up from the computer and went into Aleks and I's bedroom. I laid on our bed and started to cry. Aleks came in and rubbed my back. Once I was done crying, I hugged Aleks tightly.

"You are so brave. You are so amazing I don't know how you do it. You stay so strong all of the time." Aleks said as he kissed my forehead.

Later that night Aleks and I were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie. It was nights like these that made me great full for everything he has done for me and Bryson. Aleks was half asleep when there was a loud knock at the door. I got up and answered it only to find two officers at the door.

"Fallyn Gidlow?" One of the officers asked.

"Yes? Can I help you?" I said looking up at them. I felt Aleks walk up behind me and rest his hand on my back.

"We need to ask you a few questions about the accident you were in with Mr. Jordan Mathewson. Do you have a few minutes?" The other asked.

"Yes of course, come right in." I led the officers to the dinning room where we all sat at the table.

"Okay, first who is he?" The officer asked.

"I'm Aleks Marchant. I'm her boyfriend and I was also in the accident."

"Great! So now we can kill two birds with one stone! Mr. Mathewson is taking the driver to court as you both may know. We are here to gather more information on the case so things are more clear." The officer smiled. "First question, what were the events leading up to the car accident?"

And then I told the officers everything. Aleks told the other officer his side of things as well. The officers got all the information they needed and said that we would probably be summoned to appear in court with Jordan. I hope it's sooner rather than later. This baby is liable to come any day. I don't think I'll make it to 40 weeks at the rate I'm going.

Aleks and I soon climbed up the stairs and went to bed. Today had been such a long day that it didn't take long to fall asleep. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. I don't think I could handle much more.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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