Scene 4 - Oi You!

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Another man is approaching up the hill, a farmer, an elderly man, late 60s. Wrapped up nice and warm to protect him from the cold winter of January, including his green muddy boots, and his warden's cap. He holds a shotgun in his hands as he inspects his massive stretches of land. The angry men then reach the bottom of the massive hill, and insight at the very top of the mighty steep hill, the tree where Lust fell by is in range. He spots the three nearby, angrily shouting.

Farmer Tariff:

Oi, YOU!

They turn to him.


What is he? A hunter?

Farmer Tariff:

Get off my farm this instant!


More like an angry farmer, Lust. RUN!

They rush off back in the other direction. BANG! BANG! He shoots towards them, warning them to run off. The other bushes they have run behind protect them from the firing. The Doctor rushes in the lead first, with Peri helping Lust run off with them. The Farmer then runs up after them. BANG!


Where are we going?


Back to the TARDIS! It's the safest place!

BANG! They rush around to the trees on the opposite side to the path the Doctor and Peri first explored. It is protected by low trees and branches hanging loose with a variety of fluffy bushes helping them hide best they can. The Doctor then rushes through the deep forest of trees, before he finally finds the TARDIS. The doors are opened and then the girls finally catch up, as the farmer reaches the top and enters the second stretch of the clearing. BANG!


Chameleon Circuit broken?


Inside, hurry!

They all then dash inside and the Doctor slams the door shut. Now the Farmer has raced up to the second stretch. He pauses and carefully scans the area around him. There is now nothing more then silence around him. He finally decides that they have gone. Farmer Tariff returns back down the hill.

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