Chp 18

39 3 3

I pumped a lot of milk for today since Corbyn is taking me to the beach for a romantic date. Finn and Elle are minding her. I put on a bikini and shorts and a tank top. I pin my hair back and go down. Corbyn blushes and smiles. "You look amazing" Said Corbyn. "So do you" Said Averie. We drop Sera off and head to the beach.

We find a spot to sit and eat our breakfast. We lean back and he smiles at me. "You look amazing baby" Said Corbyn. "You do too" Said Averie. He smiles and he stands up. He gives me his hand and pulls me up. He boosts me over his shoulder and runs to the water. We swim and splash around. He grabs my hands and smiles. "I really like you and I want you.... will you be my girlfriend?" Asked Corbyn. "I'd love too, you are seriously too cute" Said Averie. He leans in and kisses me.... ON THE LIPS!!! Oh my god this is amazing. I moan into the kiss and he moans too. We pull apart. "We have to stop before we get unholy" Said Corbyn. I nod and peck his lips. He smirks and kisses me. We get out and dry ourselves. We go to this cafe for lunch. We enjoy our sandwiches and then go back to the beach. We swim around before we go get Sera.

We go inside and Finn smiles. "I'm his girlfriend!" Said Averie. "About time!" Said Finn. I smile and we all hug. Me, Sera and Corbyn go home. We lie on the sofa and watch cartoons. I look at Bean and his kissing Sera's head and I smile. "You are so good with her" Said Averie. "Well she's a cutie" Said Corbyn. I blush and go make dinner. Homemade pizza and garlic bread. We dig in and then I feed Serena. At 8 we go to bed and watch movies.

Sera falls asleep. As do we

Next day

We wake up. Me and Corbyn are announcing our relationship.

I go first

 Averie_Johnson: Hey this is my boyfriend Corbyn Besson

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Averie_Johnson: Hey this is my boyfriend Corbyn Besson. His an amazing step dad to Serena.

Corbyb_Besson: My girl, my beautiful, smart and funny girl

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Corbyb_Besson: My girl, my beautiful, smart and funny girl. She is amazing and so is Serena!!

Finn_Roberts: about time!!

We giggle and turn our phones off. We go to the beach. We lay on the sand and just talk.

At dinner time we laugh around as weirdos do.

We go to bed at 11.

We are official.... hell yeah


I hope ya enjoyed

Lorna xx

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