Chp 8

52 4 2

I wake up and see Finn beside me. Is it bad I didn't really find it that great? I poke him and kiss his head. "I'm going to have a shower." Said Averie. He nods and rolls over. I stand up and go to the bathroom and wash myself. I don't know why it didn't feel amazing. Surely it's because I haven't done it since Senior year?? I find an outfit. I put on boots and put my hair in a ponytail. I go out and Finn is sitting on the wheelie chair. "Baby you look good" Said Finn. "Thanks" Said Averie. He grabs my hand and we go downstairs. I enjoy a breakfast.

I head to English and sit beside Corbyn. "Hey Averie" Said Corbyn. "Hey Corbyn" Said Averie. "You ok?" Asked Corbyn. "Yeah, I am" Said Averie. "Are you sure?" Asked Corbyn, he places his hand on mine and I jump. Fuck.... the tingles... what the hell? "I'm sure. Me and Finn moved to the next level and it was as great as I wanted it" Said Averie. "Oh. I'm sorry. That's the same with Tina. We did it last night and it wasn't the best" Said Corbyn. "What is wrong with us?" Asked Averie. "No idea. Maybe it's because we didn't do it for a while" Said Corbyn. I nod and move my hand. "I sure hope so" Said Averie. He nods and we listen to our lecturer.

When we leave for lunch I sit beside Elle. "Hey Elle" Said Averie. "Hey" Said Elle. I look down and sigh. "What's wrong?" Asked Elle. "Me and Finn had sex and it wasn't good" Said Averie. "Oh." Said Elle. I nod. "Yeah. I don't know why" Said Averie. "Look I can't tell you how to feel but I can tell you it's your choice whether to tell him and ask why it wasn't what you expected. Girl, you two need to communicate with each other" Said Elle. I nod and hug her. Finn comes over and kisses me. "Party tonight" Said Finn. I smile and kiss him back. "Ok." Said Averie. He walks off and I sigh. "I need to get changed" Said Averie.

Couple hours later

I have dinner before I get dress.

I smile and go to the canteen and see Finn

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I smile and go to the canteen and see Finn. He smiles and kisses me. I kiss back. We go to his house and go inside. It's packed. Finn goes to get me a drink and when he gets back he kisses me while handing it to me.

4 hours later we are a little drunk and we did it. I don't think we used a condom but I won't get pregnant though. I hope. We fall asleep.

Ugh this was a weird night.

Well they didn't use a condom oops.

I hope you enjoyed

Lorna xx

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