Revolution in Boston (New)

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War never changes.

I learned that a long time ago when the Old Man was telling me stories of the Assassins who came before us, how we fought to protect this world from the reign and chaos of the Templars. The two factions had been at odds for hundreds of years, and this war was still being fought, and would likely continue to be fought to several hundred more years into the future. There would be a time where I would die, likely soon, and there will still be Templars running amuck amongst the colonies. My home. My goal wasn't to kill all Templars. That was a ridiculous goal. Absurd. There are hundreds of Templars scattered across the globe, it would be physically impossible for me to last that long.

My goal wasn't to completely stop the entirety of the Colonial Rite. No. Too big a goal. I needed to stop the bigger Templars - Haytham, Hickey, Lee, and the like. Any cost would suffice. Even my own life. What was my own life compared to the hundreds that would likely die under the Templar Order if they got what they wanted? I couldn't let that happen. I wouldn't let that happen. I would kill Haytham and the rest of his damn Templars if it was the last thing I do.

The Revolution has gotten more and more heated. Requests left and right for my assistance in battles. The last thing I wanted to do was spend more time around those obnoxious revolutionaries. They had too big a goal and too few men to do so. I had never been to Britain, but I knew that these revolutionaries didn't stand a chance. Every time I killed a red man, another would stand in their place the very next day. And assuming the red Brits weren't the only British men living in under the Crown, then I could see no other alternative. It was futile the way these civilians attempted to fight. Much to my dismay, the Old Man is requesting I go and attend a few more meetings, a few more battles. But, I guess I would have to. For my Creed? It'll be for the Old Man, if for nothing else.

I huddled around some papers, drawing out a plan of attack for the future. During my time in New York, I had eavesdropped on many conversations. Tracked individuals who were important to my search. Interrogated who I needed to. From this data, we could corner Hickey in New York. There was a counterfeiting ring in the city, and with the several complaints I had heard, I could deduce that Hickey would be nearby. I had to finish up plans today, and I was near complete. We'd be setting foot to New York before noon.

As I tapped my feathery pen against the side of the desk, I heard the heavy footsteps of my trainee fall behind me. I sat up from my hunched position, and swung around in my chair to face him. "Connor?" I squinted at him.

Connor motioned to the stairs, "Achilles has requested for you downstairs."

"I'll join you in a moment. I must review over these plans."


"Alright!" I stood and passed by Connor, "Did Old Man state a purpose?"

Connor shook his head. I scowled, then rushed down the stairs. What could Old Man possibly want from me right now? We had to be in New York by two weeks time, and we'd get there with plenty of time to spare - depending on the weather, that was. A particularly rainy day could flood the trails or create a muddy situation that our horses did not approve of. Even though our horses are fit, they did not like muddy terrain, so it's likely we'll have to leave earlier in case we need to cross by foot.

I stopped in the kitchen where the Old Man was holding two cups of tea. I yawned. No. Don't get tired yet. It's too early for you to be tired, and you have a whole horseback ride ahead of you. I took the cup of tea when he offered it, and sat with him in the living room. "Dearie, you look stressed."

I hummed, tapping my fingers against cup. "Very much so. Atop of my battle plans, I must attend a meeting in New York. Must I? Seems awfully inconvenient, don't you think?"

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