My Planning (Outdated)

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Stay tuned for the information chapter!

Haytham keeps trying to push Victoria into the Order, or even to do tasks.

Victoria is a nice/carefree woman but is a demon when she is in combat. She is rough and forceful when fighting, as if a whole new alter-ego forms just when she is fighting.

Victoria is the great thinker. She plans out their plans and attacks thoroughly, based on many small details. Connor often looks to her when he doesn't understand something. Due to her expanded knowledge in many cultures, her own included, she is able to range her capabilities greatly. When Connor is still learning the English way of life, Victoria was always one step behind him, guiding him.

Victoria (Cha'Kwania) is Connor's (Ratonhnhaké:ton) brother. Meaning that Haytham is Victoria's father.

Victoria gives Haytham a note. It is from Ziio.

To Haytham,

You may never see this letter, but I think it is worth saying.
You have two children. One daughter and one son. Cha'Kwania and Ratonhnhaké:ton. When I look at them, all I can see is you.

Cha'Kwania. I see your determination. I see your will. She caught fish with her bare hands to beat Ratonhnhaké:ton at fishing. When I look at her, I see your eyes and your cheeks.

Ratonhnhaké:ton. I see your quick-thinking and agility. He is caring and loving, he is constantly looking out for Cha'Kwania. When I look at him, I see your jaw and hair.

In both of them, I see your leadership. I can see both of them as clan leaders. I see your strength and devotion. They fight together and they stay together.

I look at them... and I see you.

I need you to know that I still love you. But I left because I was scared. For me... and for them.


Haytham looks to Victoria, and says how he sees much of their mother in them.

" I see so much of your mother in the both of you.

In you, Victoria,
I see your mother's strength.
You are so strong, stronger than she was.
Her beauty.
You are the most beautiful woman I have seen.
Your hair, so much like hers.

You... are so much like her.

And Connor...
He has her eyes.
I remember how she would roll them at me when I did something stupid, Connor does it too.
He has her loyalty.

He is loyal to you.

In both of you...
I see her spirit.
You both are afraid to lose one another.
I see you together in battle, and I can see it.

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