Chased (Old)

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I picked up on this writing pretty easily. Achilles is a good teacher. He says he wants to get me a good pair of cloths. I thought what I was wearing was fine but Achilles said otherwise.

First entry.

It is really hard to say his name. I can write it but it is difficult to say. Achilles. He suggested I give him a nickname. I think I might call him "Old Man". Even though he keeps saying he isn't old.

Fifteenth entry.

I miss Him. I miss my brother. I wish he was here. I shouldn't of left the village. I shouldn't of left him. I love him. I miss him. I need him.

Thirtieth entry.

My focus is on the Templars. They are the ones who took me away from my village. I need to kill them. I might not succeed with all of them, but if I can put a dent in their numbers...


He's back.


I love you. I know you're reading this, Connor. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.

I love you and I always will.

I miss you.

Last entry.

Connor stared at the last entry. It was hardly the last page, there was still a good chunk of unwritten pages in the journal.

It's been several years since both Cha'Kwania and Achilles passed. Connor has taken care of the manor and the settlers as best as he could. Not a day would pass that he didn't think of them.

Over the years, he's met someone. She was a fellow Assassin, extremely talented, extremely beautiful. She wore robes similar to that Cha'Kwania once wore. In fact, she reminded him of Cha'Kwania.

But no one could replace Cha'Kwania.

He wouldn't let anyone do that.

Her name was Elizabeth. She had only been training for the recent few years. She never met Cha'Kwania. Elizabeth wishes to have met her, but Connor observes her body language. Elizabeth doesn't like Cha'Kwania.

He never told Elizabeth that Cha'Kwania was his sister.

Connor heard footsteps, but he dismissed them as Elizabeth's. She often came by to check up on him.

Connor closed the journal, "I miss you too." He pulled the journal to his chest and closed his eyes.


For the first time, in a long time, Connor smiled.


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