Teamwork (Old)

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Connor approached me, "Cha'Kwania." I looked up, smiling. "Ratonhnhaké:ton." I stood from my crouched position next to the fire. He smiled back, "Nice to see you here."

I chuckled, "Well, I promised the Old Man that I would watch over you. You are a troublemaker." "Just like you." "Just like me." I took Connor's cold hand in mine, "Connor, you're freezing. Why don't you stay by the fire? I'll go find Washington for you."

Connor shook his head, "No. I need to find him myself." I took both of his hands and pulled him towards the fire. I gave a gentle smile, "If you don't warm up, then your going to freeze. And then you won't be able to get the Templars." He sighed, then nodded, "Okay.. " He leaned in and placed a kiss to my head with cold lips.

I wrapped my arms around his cold figure, "How long have you been out there? You're freezing." He rested his chin on my hood, still warm from hovering over the fire for the past few hours. I closed my eyes. "Since I left the manor."

I stepped closer to the fire, pulling Connor with me. I could feel the warmth from the fire on my legs. I rested my head on his chest, enjoying this moment. "I love you, Cha'Kwania." He whispered, cupping the back of my head with his hand. I smiled. "I love you too, Ratonhnhaké:ton." I whispered back.

Once he wasn't a frozen ice man, I guided him through the camp to Washington. "I haven't spoken to him since my arrival. He might be busy." "I can wait if he is."

Surprisingly, George was standing at the top of the camp, overlooking the terrain. I released Connor's hand and took position to Washington's left, while Connor moved to his right.

"Commander." Connor started. "Connor." Washington glanced towards me, giving me a nod, "Victoria." "Any word on Lee?" I asked, taking the words out of Connor's mouth. "Not yet. My apologies, I've been distracted. Supply caravans meant for the camp have gone missing. I suspect treachery. A traitor named Benjamin Church, recently released from prison, has vanished as well. The two events are surely related."

"What was his crime?" Connor asked. "He was caught sending letters to the Loyalists detailing our troop strength. He claimed it was a scare tactic, that we might avoid war. A poor lie." "I will find Church for you." "Why? What reason have you to help?" I scowled then hissed, "Does it matter?" Washington frowned then sighed, "As you wish. We've received reports of trouble along the southern road. Might be he's responsible. I suggest you begin your search there."

Connor and I departed from Washington, who gave me a glare before he walked his own way. Connor looked at me, "I'll go by myself. This man could be trouble." I snorted, "We deal with worse. A simple man with no sense. Something we should be able to handle without trouble. What's the worst that can happen?" "Are you fit for battle?" "Connor..." "Sorry." He whispered.


I frowned as we slowly approached the building. Connor grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently, "I will go in first. Wait out here for my signal." "Be careful."

Connor walked forward, releasing my hand. I frowned as I took a look around. Debris scattered in the snow. The snow was already starting to pile up. We must be too late.

I slowly walked up to the building as Connor entered it. I stepped up into the doorway, examining the empty space. "I don't see anyone." Connor whispered. I growled loud enough for Connor to respond. "We'll find him."

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