Broken Trust (Old)

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The sun was sinking below the horizon, ending another day. Connor has yet to return to the manor since he has been working with Haytham. Yes, I have accompanied him several times, but not since the Church incident. It's been a month since Connor and Haytham chased Church down to the Caribbean. I have yet to receive any word of success.

Achilles stood in the doorway behind me as I sit on the railing of the balcony. I stared out towards the water, awaiting the moment Connor returns with the Aqulia. The sun disappeared under the horizon and I sighed, burying my face into my hands. "Victoria, I think you should come inside."

I shook my head. I couldn't possibly go back inside. Connor should be arriving any minute now. I had to be awake when he does.

"Victoria, you've been out here for five days. It's time for you to come back in!"

I hardly even registered his words. All I could do was stare out at the water where the ship was stored. It was silent for a long while before I heard the creaking of floorboards behind me. In the corner of my eye, I saw Achilles leaning on the railing.

"When you were younger, I couldn't get you to leave the house." He explained, "You were so afraid of Kenway and Lee finding you that you locked yourself away from the rest of the world." Achilles continued. I looked down to my lap, staring at my hands.

"It took me a month to even get you to step outside. Stubborn child, you were. But..." He reached out to put a hand on your shoulder, "... I had confidence that you would eventually come out." I turned my head to face Achilles. "You have to believe that he eventually come back." Achilles said, rubbing circles in to my shoulder. I sighed before looking back out over the water, "I'm afraid of losing him again. I didn't want him to leave, you know."

Achilles nodded, "I heard you two fighting long into the night about it. I was worried for a few days. You two bickering when you two usually plan out missions. But, I didn't interfere with you two. It was hard, but I knew that you would find a solution if you worked it out yourselves." I shook my head, "What if I made a mistake? What if he gets hurt? What if Haytham has it all set up?" "Don't say such things, my dear. He'll make it back safe and sound." I sighed.

I hope.

I swung my legs over the railing and stood on the balcony, "So, what is going on the table, Old Man?" Achilles gave me a funny look, "You want dinner this late? I already threw the leftovers to the horses."


"I'm just kidding, dear."


The sun was creeping out over the horizon, and Victoria was fast asleep. Achilles watched by the door. Usually, she'd be awake by now. But, being awake for five days straight will do that to a person. Achilles stepped forward and walked to the side of her bed.

Victoria was passed out. She had fallen asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. She didn't even bother to take off her robes. Her long hair was tied up in a ponytail, although it was covering half of her face. On her nightstand were both of her wrist blades.

Achilles sighed, walking out of the room. Victoria needed her sleep. He wouldn't bother her. Achilles walked down the stairs, giving thought to what he was going to make for breakfast.

The door swung open.

Connor walked in, dropping his water soaked captain's robes outside. He knew it was early, so he tried not to make a lot of noise. "Connor. You're back." Achilles said quietly. Connor nodded, turning to face Achilles. "Is Cha'Kwania here?" "Yes, but she is sleeping. After five days without rest, she needs it. I wouldn't recommend waking her at this time."

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