1. The Interview

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I really hate my job. After all the time and effort I put towards this career, I absolutely can't stand it. It's frustrating, I believe in the whole 'everything happens for a reason' thing but this seems to have served no purpose whatsoever. 

I'm a reporter if you were wondering. I work 7 days a week, my boss is a royal pain in my arse and the people who I do interview aren't even famous. But what can i say. It pays the bills. My boyfriend Troy is supportive though, he's always telling me to stick with it because what else would I do? And he's right. This is what I thought I wanted my whole life it's too late to do something else now. I heard the door to our small apartment slam shut

'Claire! I'm home!' pecking Troy on the cheek I was shaken from my negative thoughts.

'How was work?' He stretched out on the couch sighing 'Yeah good.'.

We fell into a comfortable silence which was usual, we never often talked about our work lives it just wasn't something we discussed, except for ofcourse my odd complaint about another thing that had gone wrong. Troy worked in a law firm and worked long hours. We never had time to see eachother much due to our constant shifting schedules. Grabbing my purse and giving firm instructions to take dinner out of the oven In half hour I took off for work.

The group I was interviewing tonight were a band called stone cold crazy. Nothing exciting, all the band's we interview are generally students trying to make it big. We aren't an international television show or anything, we are barely a radio station, just playing to the to the smaller suburbs of London. I arrived in the studio at about 7pm reading over my questions when my boss, Jeff came up to me.

'Can you actually put effort into this interview Claire? Your hair is a mess by the way' I mumbled some insults under my breath as he rushed over to deal with the band, what's he care anyway? No one can actually see you on the radio.

I heard the band come in and place themselves in the lounge across from me, but I was too busy trying to understand why some of these questions had even been put on here, to introduce myself.

Someone called out something about a five minute warning and I decided to introduce myself to the band, so plastering on a fake smile I looked up and was greeted by a large pair of blue eyes and wild blonde hair.

'Hey I'm roger' I offered my hand to shake to each member, introducing myself. A mop of curls introduced himself as Brian May and a cute, mousey little guy (is that even a way to describe a person?) Called himself John Deacon. Looking back at my sheet of paper and up at the band I noticed a member was missing.

'Is there meant to be a Freddie Mercury joining you?' The guy named Brian went to say something before he was cut off by a strong accent.

'Sorry that's me.' A tall, lanky figure with shaggy dark hair had his head down and slid into the seat beside John. I leant over the table with my hand out and a slender hand with black nails shook it quickly. His head stayed down and his foot tapped impatiently. Jeff began speaking on the radio and introducing myself and the band he handed the microphone over to me.

'So we will start with the founding members of the band, Brian, Roger, how did you all meet?' Between the two of them they took turns in telling the story and told of how they gained the other two members of their band.

'Stone cold crazy. What inspired the name of your band?' For the first time Freddie looked straight up and into my eyes, I was taken aback at how striking his features were. His prominent cheek bones, sharp jaw line and dark deep eyes that were accentuated with heavy eyeliner were enough to draw anyone in.

'Queen.' Finding my voice again I stuttered 's-sorry?' He looked across at his other band mates and nodded his head slowly.

'We are called Queen, there was a little confusion between what we would be called but it's decided, we are Queen.' As he spoke I noticed his large overbite and the way he tried to subtly cover it only made me even more intrigued. John, next to Freddie, then spoke up for the first time too.

'Fred came up with that actually, he just liked the sound of it, we were originally smile, then stone cold crazy but Queen just seems to fit us.'

Freddie stole a quick glance at me and put his head down smirking. The rest of the night went on pretty smoothly after that. This band, unlike others, actually interested me. They all had completely opposite personalities and they looked out of place together that's for sure but you need to be different to draw attention and that's exactly what they were doing.

Roger was loving every but of it, it was like he already thought of them all as famous and probably knew everyone wanted a bit of him. The others made occasional remarks throughout the rest of the interview and when it was over they all thanked me and shook my hand again.

Freddie however took me by surprise, being shy and all, and he brought my hand to his lips. He pecked it gently and looked slowly up at me 'Thanks for having us dear.' And with a wink he strutted off stage with the rest of the group. Stunned I stood there like an idiot grining, my first interview that i actually enjoyed.

'When I said put more effort in i didnt mean to drool all over them!' Throwing his hands up exasperated Jeff stormed off. I can never do anything right with this guy.

When I finally got home that night, I snuck into bed next to Troy who was in a deep sleep. I thought about the band and how much i actually enjoyed talking to them, I hope they have some sort of success with their group. I couldn't tell you my opinion though as i have yet to listen to any of their music. I was quite lazy when it came to familiarizing myself with the group's before I interviewed them. I thought back to Freddie and felt uncomfortable when I thought of how Freddies eyes had bore into me, as though he could see write through me, with a shiver I snuggled closer to Troy and as the thoughts drifted off so did I.

The Reporter- Freddie Mercury Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now