Chapter 18//Luke's tweets

Start from the beginning

"Hi dad!" I smiled seeing an awkward Calum standing outside the school with his ripped jeggings and jumper.

"How was your first day of school? Did you make any friends?" He asked walking back to the car.

"Yeah it was fun I made a new friend called Niamh she's really nice."

"That's great!" He said getting into Ashton's car.

"Do you even know how to drive?" I asked him concerned for our safety.

"Nope but it's probably easy." He smiled and started the car.

The whole trip was terrible Calum got stopped by the police twice! He's never going to pick me up from school ever again! Until he gets his drivers licence.

"Lucy! How was your first day of school!" Michael screeched running down the stairs poking my stomach lightly with both hands which was annoying.

"It was great stop! It tickles." I laughed.

"She made a friend called Niamh." Calum smiled opening the fridge.

"Ooh a friend I never made friends on my first day of school." Pouted Michael. Calum patted Michael on the head. Michael ran upstairs for no reason.

"So who wants to go out to the new buffet in town now?" As soon as Calum finished his sentence Michael came sprinting down the stairs "Where is this buffet you speak of?"

"In town Michael." Calum poked him out of his way because his face was almost touching his, he was so close.

"Yeah... Luke and Ash went to the studio to write some stuff so it's just us!" Calum beamed spreading and flapping his arms around.

"Ugh stuck with you guys ugh." Michael sneered " I was joking." He laughed putting his hand up for a high five but was rejected.

"Let's go!" Calum grabbed the car keys.

"No no no you aren't driving Michael will drive." Lucy insisted taking the keys of Calum.

" But Lucy if I can't drive Michael definitely won't know how to drive." Pouted Calum.

Well Michael ended up driving and crashing the car, we didn't go to the buffet after all.

"What did you do to my car!" Ashton furiously looked at his car being towed away. " Me and Luke were gone for not even a half a day and your destroying the place!"

"We are so sorry Ashton." Pouted Calum.

"It's not okay Calum! You and Michael will have to earn a new car."

"What do we have to do?" Asked Michael.

"Well firstly they are looking for staff in Burger King and you will have to do the grocery shopping forever from this day." Smirked Ashton.

"And both of you will have to write a song each." Added Luke.

"Okay that's fair." Michael agreed Calum just nodded his head in agreement.

* 2 hours later in the grocery store*

"Ugh this is so unfair!" Whined Michael.

"I know this is so boring." Calum sobbed putting five jars of Vegemite in the shopping cart.

"Can I get on ice-cream dad?" Asked Lucy looking at Michael.

"Sure cookie pick one put." smile Michael.

"Thank you!" Lucy smiled taking an ice-cream from the freezer.

"She called me dad." Michael smiled t Calum with a smug look. Calum just rolled his eyes.

" Well I think we bought enough for today." Sighed Mikey looking at the two overflowing shopping carts full of food.

"Yep." Sighed Calum.

" Okay then I'll just call Ash to collect us." I looked at Calum then at Michael not keeping my eyes on them, making sure they never drive a car ever again. " Hi dad, yeah we're done with the shopping."

"Great! You guys pay while I'll drive up and bring you and the groceries home."

"Thank you daddy!"

"No problem kitten."

We had to wait until Calum and Michael earned enough money in Burger King for the car but meanwhile the family next door that moved to Sweden for a while gave us a lend of their car.

We hauled the groceries outside the door and waited for Ashton.

"I'm bored!" whined Michael.

"We've only stepped out the door." Calum looked at Michael, Michael stuck his tongue out at Calum, Calum lightly punched him on the arm.

Finally Ashton arrived and loaded all of the groceries into the back of the car.When we arrived home Luke and Bailey were asleep on the couch. We walked in quietly with the bags full of food.

"Calum!" Shouted Ashton.

"What?!" Calum shouted from upstairs.

" We don't need five jars of Vegemite!" Ashton shouted again looking at the five jars of Vegemite lined up in the cupboard.

"What if we ran out?" Questioned Calum.

"We'd go to shop like normal people and buy more!"

"But why do that, when you could just stock up and then never have to go to the shop for months?"

"That's actually a good idea." Michael agreed putting some orange juice and milk in the fridge. Ashton just sighed and closed the door of the cupboard.

I decided to watch TV in the sitting room, where Luke and Bailey was sleeping.

"Lukey." I whispered.

I tip-toed to the couch he was asleep on. His whole body was parallel on the couch his legs dangled over the side of the couch. I put a blanket over him from the cupboard full of blankets and cushions.Michael walked in and start throwing food items at Luke.

"What is this." Luke was awake " Why is the orphan on the TV? Nutella on my toes?! A packet of Doritos?! Doughnuts?! One, two, three.. Fifteen doughnuts? And three large frozen pizzas?! Peanut butter?! It's like breakfast is bed!"

@Luke5SOS; "Movies in bed wooo"

@Luke5SOS; "Nutella in bed wooo"

@Luke5SOS; "Doritos in bed wooo"

@Luke5SOS;" 15 doughnuts in bed wooo"

@Luke5SOS;" 3 large pizzas in bed wooo"

@Luke5SOS; "Peanut butter and a spoon in bed wooo"

"Shut up Luke!" Michael shouted from the kitchen.

@Luke5SOS; "I feel judged"

"I swear to god Luke!" Michael threatened from the kitchen." Your not even in bed." Michael walked into the sitting room and hit Luke.


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