"Of course, I've noticed but he's -"

Remembering that Olivia didn't know the connection between them via Evan, Alyson shrugged, "it's a business thing, you know. Gotta be professional unlike you right now."

"If telling the truth is unprofessional, consider me as such. I mean, you haven't even thought about -"

"I'm married, remember," Alyson points to her wedding ring.

Olivia scoffs, "that doesn't stop most."

"Oh my god," Alyson holds the bridge of her nose, chuckling. "You're so crazy."

"But you love me," Olivia smiled sweetly. "Hey, Joseph, you ready?"

"Yep," Joseph adjusted his leather jacket, thanking the make-up crew nicely.

While they went back to taking pictures, Alyson's phone rang in her back pocket. Walking a few feet away, she answers, shielding her face from the shining sun.

Joseph didn't know who she was talking to but whoever it was, they said something that made her very excited. It was hard for him to concentrate on the photos when he was wondering what Alyson was talking about on the phone. 

In the middle of his shoot, his housekeeper Erica respectfully interrupted. She came with a beautiful gold box that had a red ribbon on it.

"I'm sorry to interrupt," the older woman said sweetly, "Joseph, this arrived for you."

 "Is that what I think it is?" Joseph walks over to take it, "thank you, Erica."

"What is it?" Alyson had just gotten off the phone and noticed the shoot had stopped.

He went over to her, "it's what I've been working on for the last few months."

"Here, open it," he told her.

Sliding her phone in her back pocket, Alyson unties the red bow and opens the box to reveal a colorful stain glass wine bottle.

"The final product," Alyson examined the bottle in amazement. "Joseph, I didn't even know you finished, I thought you were still in the process of -"

"I wanted to surprise you," Joseph confessed. "To show you that everything you taught me hasn't gone to waste."

"Oh my god, that's so nice and the bottle is beautiful," Alyson's stared at it in awe. "Since we're sharing good news, I have some for you too. I just got off the phone with a friend of mine and you are going to star in your own commercial for your new bottle of wine."

"You're messing with me."

"No," Aly laughs, "I'm serious!"

"That's amazing!" Joseph was so excited, he picked Alyson up by the waist and spun her around. "Oh, I'm sorry," he put her back down.

"It's okay," she laughed. "see? I knew we would make a good team," Alyson gives him a high five.

"We should celebrate," suggested Joseph.

Olivia cleared her throat, grabbing their attention.

"After the shoot of course," Joseph told her.

"Here, I'll take this," Alyson puts the wine bottle back inside and takes the box, "how should we celebrate?" 

"We should go to this place I heard about. It's called Welcome Diner."

My Husband's Father -BWWM-Where stories live. Discover now