Chapter One

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Song One - Don't Wake Me Up by Lianne La Havas

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The Taylor mansion was in complete chaos. Caterers and highly paid decorators were in and out of the house, getting ready for the dinner party, that's celebrating yet another great investment by Evan Taylor's company.

While the workaholic is at work, as usual, his wife, Alyson stands outside the house with the California heat shining directly on her. If she wasn't so used to living in California, she would probably melt. Not even the slight breeze, made the day any cooler.

As workers go in and out of her house, she signs off on delivery forms, giving friendly smiles to the workers she's hired; to let them know she appreciates them. Known for planning her husband's huge parties and dinners, has caused workers to be very familiar with the kind-hearted woman.

She was obviously very wealthy and most people tended to be intimidated by that; but when she flashed that dazzling smile and spoke kind words to people no matter her social status, she was eligible to steal the hearts of friends and strangers.

Unfortunately for the beautiful dark skin goddess, she couldn't steal the heart of her own husband. The one person in her life that meant the most to her. All the money in the world couldn't make her happy if she wasn't able to get at least a little bit of attention from him.

"And sign here," a worker pointed to the end of the form.

"Here you go," Alyson smiled as she signed her name.

"Thank you, ma'am," the young man took the pen away from her, bowing his head.

"No, thank you," she called after him as he joined his co-workers.

Alyson turned around, watching her chaotic home from under her Michael Kor shades.

She didn't look or feel her best this morning due to how tired she was. She's been planning this dinner party for weeks. She found herself under a lot of stress, trying to make sure everything was perfect. 

Even after eight years, she thought she'd have the hang of planning her husband's events. As more events came up, it seemed like planning only stressed her out more - every time.

As she let out an exhausted sigh, Alyson heard the sound of a familiar car engine. She turned away from the house, a smile appearing on her face at the sight of her best friend, Kelly's white Porsche Panamera pulled up.

Kelly's car came to a dangerous and screeching stop when a familiar blue Nissan Altima pulled up in front of her and parked.

"Oh god," Alyson shook her head. "Here we go."

An angry Kelly got out of her car with her Dolce & Gabbana purse in her hand and her Michael Kors shades over her eyes. She stomped over to the Altima as the smiling culprit, Alyson's fraternal twin sister, Mia, got out of the car with a bag of Panera in her hand.

Kelly slid her shades above her head as Mia closed her car door.

"Are you insane?" The angry blonde spat, "you could have hurt somebody."

"You're right. Too bad you were my target."

An unapologetic Mia sashayed around Kelly in her nurse scrubs and walked over to her sister.

"Why Mia? Why?" Alyson received a hug from her twin.

"Don't scold me, I brought you food." Pulling away, Mia held the bag up, "I knew you probably hadn't eaten all day since you  forget your needs when -" 

"You don't have to finish that sentence."

"When it comes to taking care of Evan."

"You are such a smartass," Alyson snatched the bag away from her.

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