Author's Note

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So, ironically, this week, after like a whole year, I finally started watching the Walking Dead again. If you don't know, that's a TV show with none other than Jeffery Dean Morgan. I saw his cute self and automatically, the writer in me starts going nuts.


Which might sound easy but it isn't because whenever I think of Jeffery as a faceclaim, all I see is Joseph. It's hard to put his face on any other character.

I'm been drilling myself, trying to find a new plot, a new story but I couldn't come up with ANYTHING.

But my stubborn self was going to keep thinking until I came up with something.

That is until the hundredth person messaged me and asked about this book. A lot of people have been asking about it and I'll be honest, I was curving on people.

When my last account got taken down, I was somewhat relieved. Personally in my life, as I have told you guys before half of those obscene books on that account represent a very dark time in my life.

Needless to say, I am better now.

However, I've been very uneasy about bringing this book back. It's a great, scandalous, unique plot and it's been a while since I've written anything like it. It's been hard trying to write stories that aren't as obscene as it was.

Luckily, I still have the whole book, so there are things that I can change and that I will change.

Yes, that's right, I'm bringing the book back guys. 

Not today, not tomorrow, or even next week.

Sometime over the summer for sure. I'm in college, the semester is ending so I don't have a lot of time to write. 

But I will let you know when the book will be published.

The main reason I'm writing this Author's Note is that, if I'm going to bring the book back, then I want to work on it and better it.

So, I'm going to edit a lot and change some things. I'm telling you this so when you read the book you won't look at me sideways.

The book is going to have MOST of its original content just subtle changes, that make is so, things won't happen or end up in the same way but it's still gonna happen if you get what I'm saying.

I'm going to change Alyson's faceclaim for sure and I also might add a character or two, I'm not sure, I've just started brainstorming.

Also, there won't be any gifs. I will put in the sex scenes that I originally wrote but I won't write new ones.

It's been a minute since I've even thought about writing a smut and I'm not even gonna try because it's gonna fail.

I'm basically a virgin in a sense.

The experience is just gone.

I think that's all I have to say for now. I hope you guys are excited. 

Thanks for loving the book so much and I can't wait for you to read.


My Husband's Father -BWWM-Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt