"I'm staying with you," Rosanna said and sat up, "Why on earth would I pass up the first opportunity I have to sleep with my boyfriend in his apartment?"

"Sleep with?" Alex smirked cheekily.

Rosanna rolled her eyes playfully, "you know what I mean."

"You don't wanna go back to yours?" Alex asked, just for confirmation.

Rosanna nodded and smiled, "Are you tryna get rid of me Al?"

Alex chuckled and shook his head no, "never. Just making sure I'm not trapping you here."

Rosanna smiled and kissed him softly, "not possible."

They slept the instant their heads hit the pillow, Rosanna wrapped in Alex's arms as he spooned her comfortably, mumbling that he loved her right as he fell asleep.

  Alex's mind dizzied as it hit the pillow. Almost like he was falling down a rabbit hole. Suddenly, he was on stage, in front of hundred of people, laughing because Matt had just tipped over one of his drums mid-song. They were singing a song he hadn't heard yet and the atmosphere felt different. Like there was a weight on his chest that he couldn't shake. The crowd started to blur and he brought his hands to rub his eyes when he spotted someone, a girl with dark brown hair standing two rows from the front looking up at him.

  He thought a smile would make its way to his face, but instead he heard himself say "I'm sorry." He stumbled forward and the girl started to walk backwards, she was crying. He looked around frantically for a way to get to her but when he looked back to where she was, she was now pushing through the crowd and walking away from the stage he was stuck on.

"Please," he sobbed, rushing to the edge of the stage and dropping to his knees. He felt tears run down his cheeks and blur his vision like a frosted glass wall. He kept blinking the tears from his eyes, desperately trying to find her disappearing figure. "Rosanna!" He called out helplessly into the crowd. "Please! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please don't leave sweetheart..."

  His body jumped violently awake. His eyes flying wide open and darting around the darkness. The first thing he felt was panic, he wanted to cry. Sitting up straight, he swallowed the lump in his dry throat and ran his hands through his hair. His heart was beating so loud her could hear it. He looked down beside him and felt a flush of relief flood his body as his eyes fell upon Rosanna; still beside him, sleeping peacefully.

  "Fucking hell," Alex whispered to himself and rubbed his hands over his eyes, thanking God that it was all just a dream. Inhaling a deep breath to steady himself, Alex carefully climbed out of his bed and made his way downstairs to his kitchen. He ran his hand along the wall as he walked to stable him, remind him he was awake, and help him navigate where he was going in his pitch black house. He didn't want to turn any lights on in case it woke Rosanna up and tried to walk as quietly as possible.

  Alex poured himself a large glass of water and downed it immediately. It were just a dream. Calm down. But it was so vivid. It felt like a memory it was that vivid. He put a hand to his temples and felt that he was sweating in his sleep. The cool liquid was able to calm him as it ran down his throat and managed to snap him out of his daze.

  Alex sighed and walked back upstairs, as hard as he tried, he couldn't shake his nightmare from his mind. All he wanted to do was apologise to Rosanna for whatever he'd done to her. It all felt so real that it made him wonder if he'd done something to hurt her; enough to make her cry. The sight of her in tears, running away from him broke his heart and he was terrified of ever letting that nightmare become his reality. He couldn't imagine hurting her and he would never want to. The dream alone was enough so break his heart.

Maybe It's Been You All Along - Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now