Chapter 30 - Almost Good

Start from the beginning

“Why am I here, Caleb?” Kelsey asked him, surprised at the lack of anxiety in her voice. Why didn’t she sound as scared as she seemed to feel? “Why don’t you just leave me tied up to that chair?”

“You’re a special guest, Kelsey.” Kelsey didn’t like the way her name sounded with Caleb’s voice. “Not all kidnapped victims get to come here, but I’m letting you, because you’re Kara’s sister.”

“Won't Kara get jealous?” Kelsey asked, knowing that she was pushing boundaries that really shouldn’t be pushed, but she couldn’t help herself. This was one of the most thrilling things that had ever happened to her in her life, and she couldn’t let go of the adrenaline she was feeling pulsing through her. It made her feel awakened. She felt it whenever she questioned Caleb, or talked back to him. She didn’t know why, but she liked it.

“It’s not my problem if she does.” Caleb said, staring back at Kelsey’s face. Yet, she still refused to make eye contact with him. Talking back was one thing, but the moment she made eye contact, it would be a challenge. Even adrenaline junkie Kelsey knew where to draw the line.

“What if I try to run away?” She asked, ignoring the fact that Caleb didn’t seem to care whether or not Kara cared that Kelsey was going to be staying with Caleb. Kelsey knew her sister well enough to know that it wasn’t possible that Kara hadn’t opposed to this, and that was assuming that Kara knew that Kelsey was staying with Caleb.

For a brief moment, Kelsey wondered whether Kara even knew about this place. Caleb did say that he only allowed special people to come here. Was her sister special to Caleb? Kelsey had no idea, but from the way he spoke, Kelsey suspected that Kara was just another woman in Caleb’s eyes.

“Not possible.” Caleb smirked. “This place has security so tight, even ninjas wouldn’t be able to get inside. I programmed a lot of it, myself.”

“You program?” This much was new information to Kelsey.

Caleb didn’t answer. He just smirked. “Come here.” He said, walking towards the door they’d just come inside from.

After waiting a second, Kelsey meekly followed. She had no choice. She followed Caleb all the way to the front door. He stood in front of it, waiting.

While approaching him, the first thing that Kelsey noticed was that there wasn’t a doorknob on the door. She blinked, checking the other side, just in case. There really wasn’t a doorknob. When she looked back up at Caleb’s face, her eyes questioning, the man in question was just smirking.

When she stood beside him, he explained.

“This thing doesn’t have a doorknob.” He said which of course, Kelsey already noticed. He grinned when he realized Kelsey didn’t look down to confirm his words. “Which you’ve already noticed. It’s much harder to pick a lock when there’s no lock to pick. This thing works a little different.” He patted the door. “It scans my eyeball.”

Kelsey blinked. “What?”

In explanation, he pressed a small button on the side of the door that almost camouflaged with the rest of the door. Kelsey hadn’t even noticed it until Caleb pointed it out. A small light flashed and another compartment on the door opened, a small camera lens sliding out. Caleb looked into it. Then, Kelsey heard a click and the door opened.

Caleb slammed it shut before Kelsey got any ideas. “Brilliant, huh?” He beamed when he turned to face her again. “The only person who could do that is me. Do you know what that means?” He didn’t wait for Kelsey to come up with a response. “It means that if I die, you’ll be stuck in here. You’ll eventually starve to death. No one may ever find you.”

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