Chapter 7 - The Missing Sister

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Chapter 7 – The Missing Sister


It had been two days since Kelsey had seen Alex. She knew that it hadn’t gone well between them at her house on Friday morning. She’d somewhat chosen Kara over Alex and even though she’d made that promise, he knew it.

But Alex didn’t know Kara the way Kelsey did. She was her sister. There was no way Kara would get involved with illegal activities, knowing what she was getting into. That was not the way their parents had raised them.

Maybe she’d gotten mad at Gwen and gone to Caleb Rocha, but she would have left as soon as she found out what he was into. There was no way she’d stay involved with a criminal for six months. Their dad would be traumatized for life if he found out.

Besides, Kelsey was still angry with Alex. How dare he try to tell her that Kara knew what was going on and she was choosing to stay with Caleb Rocha? He was a criminal. Kara would never stay with a criminal. That was not how their parents raised them.

Kelsey was aware of the fact that she hadn’t communicated with Kara in a very long time. But that just changed the situation between them, it didn’t change Kara or the fact that they were sisters. They grew up together. Kelsey had full faith in Kara that she wasn’t involved.

In fact, Kelsey was certain that one of these days, Kara would show up. They would go to Alex and clear up the misunderstanding. Then Kelsey would have no reason to get involved with Alex in any way.

Kelsey sighed, closing her book. She set it down on her bedside table and sighed. Normally, she would be done with the book by now. But for the past few days, she’d been distracted. No matter what she did, her mind kept going back to Alex and Kara and her thoughts seemed to freeze there. It was all her mind wanted to think about, even though she didn’t want to.

She’d rung Kara’s cell phone a few more times, but it kept ringing and that didn’t make any sense. Why was it ringing? That meant that it was charged, wasn’t it? So who was using it, but ignoring all of her calls. Kelsey refused to believe that Kara was purposely ignoring her calls. That just gave a few points to Alex’s theory and Kelsey refused to believe that he was right.

Kelsey needed to get out more. Sitting on her bed thinking about Kara was starting to drive her crazy and she refused to go insane just yet, despite what everyone else believed.

Kelsey took her book and put it in her closet, which she’d converted into a makeshift bookshelf, behind all of her clothes. Being a professor, Kelsey had quite a bit of bookshelves in her house but this one in her closet, she reserved it specifically for her romance novels that tended to get pretty saucy. She didn’t want anyone to find it by accident and she knew her dad would never rummage through her closet on the off-chance that he might find something personal. That was one of the key benefits of living with her father.

Unlike Gwen, he would never snoop around in Kelsey’s things. He trusted her and she did her best never to betray his trust. Reading was okay. Imagining these events was tolerable, but imagining them with a certain FBI agent was not acceptable.

Kelsey intended to do things the right way and she would make sure Alex met her father before she started anything with him. Kelsey shook her head. What was she thinking? She shouldn’t be thinking about starting anything with Alex. She was mad at him and he wanted to arrest her sister. She couldn’t afford to imagine what having a relationship with Alex would be like.

Besides, she was sure that Alex certainly didn’t feel the same way about her. If he did, he wouldn’t have ignored her for the past two days.

Not that she was counting.

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