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Hayden POV

I land in Los Angeles 16 hours after receiving the phone call. I left with no word to my family or Millys on her whereabouts. The carry on bag that I have carried around with me is all that I have in terms of clothing, and hygienic supplies. I arrive at the Los Angeles County Community Hospital and I storm in the doors and up to the reception desk. "I need  to see Milly Cooper." I demand to the nice lady. "Okay and what is your relation to the patient?" She smiles at me. "I'm her fiance." I lie straight through my teeth. 

"She is in the ICU. She just got out of surgery four and a half hours previous." She informs me. "How come she is here? What the hell happened to her?" I say letting the angry words drip from my mouth like venom. "What we understand is that she was shot three times by a suspect who they now have in custody. She was shot in her upper thigh, her abdomen, and just above her lungs, all leaving a clean exit wound. She was found with her passport but her luggage is missing, and her wallet is as well. The police are pretty sure that this was an attempted robbery." 

"What do you mean attempted robbery? She got shot and her things taken from her." I roll my eyes at her. "Most robberies down her in Los Angeles are not attempts. Nine times out of ten the victim is killed. Luckily she was not at all apart of those statistics." She smiles at me. "So where is the ICU then?" I ask and she points to the elevator and mutters out that it is on the fourth floor of the building. 

As I walk past rooms in the hallways I notice how many flowers, balloons, and stuffed animals are all over in the rooms that I walk past. I feel like a complete and utter douche bag because I somehow let it slip my mind that I didn't need to get her anything because just my presence would be enough. How stupid could I actually be? "Excuse me nurse? Are their any gift shops in this Hospital?" I plead. "There are some down the hall." She points and I fly behind her running as fast as my legs will propel me down the hall. 

I run into the gift shop and start pulling things together for my girl. Actually for my girl who is not my girl yet. I grab the biggest, reddest, most beautiful roses from the shelf. They smell so good. I buy three stuffed animals a giraffe, a penguin, and a sea turtle. All of her favorite animals, soft and plushy. I find her a heart shaped box of chocolate dove hearts. Finally I grab a bunch of colorful balloons and throw a hundred dollar bill at the clerk and I rush towards her room at the end of the hall. 

I slightly hover at the door to her room when I see her roll over and let out a loud groan. She hits a button on the wall which must distribute Morphine or something into her veins because she sighs in relief a second later. She notices me at the door after I clear my throat. "How are you feeling love?" I ask her letting the balloons float to the ceiling, setting the plush animals at the foot of her bed and setting the roses and chocolates  on her bedside table. "Can I have the sea turtle." She asks shakily and I nod. She curls up to it a second later and then starts to speak. 

"When I landed, I had already had reservations for a hotel room on the upper east side. It was 3 am here and the only people on the streets was me and a tall guy at the end of the street I was on. So I started dragging my suitcase quicker down the streets. I could hear him approaching me rapidly from down the street. So I dropped my bags on the floor. He stopped for a second until I had realised that I had no more room to run. I was going to get attacked by him I just knew I was. He shoved me down on the ground and demanded that I give him my wallet. I handed it to him and instead of him letting me go, he shot me. The first time was in my leg, the next my abdomen, and the final, he was aiming straight at me with every intent to kill me. He left me there on the ground in nothing until the police showed up and had an ambulance called to retrieve me. They told me that he missed my lungs by two centimeters. I could have died and no one would have ever known about it because I was being a stupid and selfish bitch. It had been karma for what I did to you and to Caden, and I am so sorry about that." She mumbles through her tears. 

Milly |Sequel to Adopted by One Direction|Where stories live. Discover now