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Lexie woke in bed next to Warren. She swore knowing she had fallen asleep after they'd had sex. She couldn't be seen here. Especially by Megan.

Lexie tried to get out of bed but Warren took hold of her hand. "Don't."

"I have to go. You know I do. Megan can't see me here," Lexie said as she tried to pull up her jeans.

Warren shrugged. "The way I see it, you're legal. Therefore I can have you here as long as I want," he said.

"I know you Warren. I know you like to play games and it's not working on me. I'm not letting it happen. Last night was great but I have to go now," she told him.

Warren pulled her down onto the bed and smirked. He started kissing her neck. Lexie bit her lip and looked at him. "I'll come tonight. But you have to let me go now. I need to shower and change."

"You can shower with me."

Lexie eventually made it out of the flat. Thankfully Megan didn't notice her. She went back home and saw Leela looking at her. "What?"

"Why didn't you come home?" Leela asked as she stood up with Daniel in her arms.

Lexie rolled her eyes. "How about you just stop acting like mum. You're not Leela. Just back off."

"No. I'm the oldest and it's my job to care about you. Someone has to keep you from doing stupid stuff like staying out all night," she said.

"Sod off!"

Lexie made her way to Ziggy's grave. She felt bad for moving on with Warren and wanted to be alone with him. "I'm sorry I haven't even been here since the funeral. But it hurt too much."

When she left, she saw Megan and Warren. They were talking. "Hey Lex. Where have you been? You missed me annoying my dad about his lady lover," she said.

"Oh I was visiting Ziggy."

Megan smiled slightly. "Are you okay?"

Lexie nodded and smiled. "Yeah I'm good. I'm just missing him. But I need to move on. I can't bring him back as much as I wish I could."

Megan grinned and hugged her best friend. "Maybe we should go out tonight? You know, get out on the pull?" She asked.

Lexie looked at Warren and saw the look of lust in his eyes. She grinned slightly. "Why not? It's about time I had some fun."

"That's my girl!"

Lexie and Megan were in the club. Megan grinned as Lexie downed shots. "I think you and my dad should get together. He would give you great sex."

Lexie laughed and looked at her. "Yeah. I don't think that would go down too well. I mean, he's your dad."

Megan shrugged. "So? I want him to be happy and you make him happy. So please?"

Warren stood in the doorway of the office as Lexie was dancing. He wanted her so badly that it was killing him. He was going to get her. But he had to do it the right way.

Playing With The Bad Boy *Hollyoaks*Where stories live. Discover now