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Lexie walked into the club and sighed. It had been two months she lost her boyfriend and she wanted him back. Lexie wanted to try and forget about the fact she was grieving.

Lexie walked over to the bar and smiled. She looked at Warren. "Can I have a white wine spritzer?" She asked.

"Coming right up princess. You okay?"

Lexie shrugged. "Can't complain. How about you?" She asked as she sat down.

"I'm good princess. Here you go. On me," Warren said as he handed her the drink she ordered.

Lexie grinned and thanked him. She downed her her drink and looked at him. "Where's Megs?" She asked.

"Gone away for a couple of days. She told me to tell you," Warren said as she handed her another drink.

Lexie nodded and smiled. "Well do you want to go and dance? Or don't you do that?" She asked.

As the night went on, Lexie found herself getting more and more drunk. Warren had to take her home. Leela stood on the doorstep. "Thanks for bringing her home. Been like this ever since Ziggy died."

Warren nodded. "Well here. Look after her."

The next morning, Lexie walked downstairs and sighed. She had a killer hangover. Leela looked at her. "Head hurting?" She asked. At Lexie's nod, she smirked. "Good! I don't like having Warren Fox bringing you home because you're too mashed to walk back."

"Can you just stop acting like my mother. Cause you're not. I'm allowed to get drunk. I'm allowed to have fun," Lexie said.

Leela sighed and looked at her sister. "I know you're struggling with losing Ziggy and the baby. But you have to think of yourself. All this drinking isn't helping."

"Don't. Just don't."

Lexie went for a walk in the village. She walked over to Warren. "I owe you a thanks. For taking me back home last night."

Warren laughed. "You were pretty out of it. But happy to help."

Lexie grinned and sighed. "Thanks though. I just needed to let my hair down," she told him.

Warren shrugged. The two of them began walking around the village. Lexie looked at him. "Meg text me earlier. She's back later?"

Warren nodded. "Yeah. You should come round."

Later on that day, Lexie was sitting in her bedroom. She was looking at the photos of her and Ziggy. She flicked through her phone and saw the baby scan.

Lexie had found out she was pregnant a few days before Ziggy had died. She lost the baby due to stress and she hated how she couldn't even keep her own baby safe.

Lexie got a text on her phone;

Come and see me! I miss you - Megan xx

Lexie didn't feel like going out. But she knew she wanted to see her best friend. 

Megan opened the door to the flat and grinned. "You came!"

"Clearly. How was London?" Lexie asked as she took off her jacket. She couldn't take her eyes off of Warren. But could she keep how she was falling for him to herself?

Playing With The Bad Boy *Hollyoaks*Where stories live. Discover now