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Lexie sat in the car with Warren as they got to the church. She looked to him and sighed. "What's the plan?" She asked.

Warren looked to her. He frowned. "What do you mean?"

Lexie looked to him and sighed. "I mean, so you plan on going all in there. And kicking off at her. This is Megan. She wouldn't hurt a fly. But now, she's been pushed. She's reached breaking point. Remember she is your daughter. And you know what you're capable of. So she will be the same. You don't want to go charging in there. And you don't want to push her. Especially if she has your gun," she told him.

Warren looked to her. He nodded. "You think that she might shoot me?" He asked.

Lexie sighed. "I don't know. But it's not something I am willing to bet on. But you are the only one who can get through to her."

Warren placed a hand on top of her's. He smiled. "It'll be okay. I will sort it. I promise," he said as she looked to him and smiled.

Lexie knew just how worried that she was worried about Megan. She just wanted her to be okay.


Lexie sat on Warren's bed. He walked into the room. He had managed to talk Megan out of killing Dodger.

Even though part of her felt as if Dodger deserved it. She knew that she didn't want to loose her best friend. "Is she okay?" Lexie asked

Warren nodded. "I took her to a hotel away from the village. She needs some time to clear her head. She wants you to get some stuff for her. She needs time away from him and what he did. He hurt her. I think she scared herself with what she was about to do." he said.

Lexie smiled. "She will be okay. I know that you are worried about her. But she will be okay. It will be okay. You're a good dad Warren."

Warren looked to her. He smiled. He grabbed the back of her thighs and flipped her so that she was on her back. Warren climbed on top of her kissing her passionately.

Lexie wrapped her arms around his neck. She pulled him close as he got between her thighs. He pulled her close and they stripped off.

Warren pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her.


Lexie sat in bed next to Warren. "Why don't we order Chinese?" He asked

Lexie grinned and nodded. "Don't forget my chicken balls."

Warren chuckled. "Like I would. Look, I know how things have been. How it's hard with Megan. But you mean more to me then sex Lex. I am serious about you. When Megan is feeling a bit better I want to tell her about us," he said.

Lexie looked to him and frowned. She knew that the idea of telling Megan made her feel anxious. But was she ready for it all?

Playing With The Bad Boy *Hollyoaks*Where stories live. Discover now