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Lexie lay in bed next to Warren and smiled. She knew how she had been spending a lot of time with him. She knew how she wanted to be there for him after what happened with Megan. And how she had almost killed Dodger.

Megan was her best friend and she was worried. She was worried about everything that had happened and she was scared.

"Are you okay?" Warren asked as he looked to Lexie. 

Lexie smiled and nodded. "I'm okay. Have you spoken to Megan? How is she after everything that happened?" She asked.

Warren smiled. "She's okay. She knows that she got over her head with it all. How it scared her. I know that she is my daughter and I will do anything. She's gone away to Ibiza for the week to try and get her head together," he told her.

Lexie groaned and nodded. "She could have taken me with her," she said.

Warren looked to her and smirked. "Don't you worry I will take you away soon. I am not one to give up the opportunity of your walking around in a bikini around me am I?" Warren asked.

Lexie looked to him and smirked as he rolled over so that he was on top of her. She moaned against his touch. She pulled him close as she wrapped her legs around him. She pulled him closer as she felt herself reach her high.


Lexie walked through the village. She knew how she was spending a lot of time with Warren. She knew how they were having fun and it scared her.

She knew that she liked that they were having fun. And that was all it was. But she was worried about what she was getting involved in. She knew that the last thing that she wanted was to get hurt. Lexie knew that she missed Megan.

Megan knew what to say. She always helped Lexie feel better.

Lexie smiled as she saw Leela who walked over to her and smiled. "Hello stranger. I feel like I haven't seen you lately," Leela said.

Lexie looked to her sister and smiled. "I know. I have been with Warren. Some stuff went down with Megan and Dodger. So yeah," he said.

Leela looked to her and nodded. "I heard about that. I know that she's your best friend. Just be careful. It's Warren Fox as she is his daughter after all," she said.

Lexie smiled. "She's not like that. And he's not bad. You don't need to worry about me," she said as she walked off as leela looked to her and smiled.

Lexie walked away and sighed. She knew how messy things were. But she felt as if she and Warren really had something.


Lexie got to Warren's flat and frowned. She looked to him as she saw how secretive that he was being. "Hey. What's up?" She asked.

Warren looked to her and smiled. "Nothing. You don't need to worry. It's just some business. What do you say that you go and put on something pretty and I take you out for dinner?" He said.

Lexie looked to him. She smirked as she walked over and wrapped her arms around his neck. "That sounds like a great idea," she said as she leant in and kissed him.

She had no idea of the secrets that he was keeping from her.

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