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A hand fly's through the air landing on my chubby cheek. The sting is nothing compared to the fist slamming into my stomach. My little body flies into the wall my back screaming as I fall forward to land jarringly on my right shoulder.

The resonating magnified voice of my mother booms overhead, "How dare you ask me a question! Did I raise you to be so disobidiant!" Her voice echoes in my head, ears running red. She reaches down picking my little body. I stare into her bared teeth as she snarls, "You are my child! You are mine! You have no right to think, you have no right to question me. You just listen to me! To me your mother!" 

I whimper, "I'm sorry mother. I'm sorry. I'll listen. I promise."

She slams me into the gorund, her hands wrapping around my throat nails digging into my flesh. Droplets of red stones flop onto the ground, like little fish flailing on land. Mother's entire body slowly pushes me down into the cold ground. I gasp trying to draw in enough air to breath. Crystalline white stones slide down my cheeks and land around the flopping fish. Mother's teeth snaps over my nose, angry, "Then why did you ask that question!" 

I struggle to speak, "I... I liked her... I... I just... don't want to  hurt her."

Mother's face grows red, "You like her?! I didn't tell you to like her!" She releaases me long enough so she can slam her fist into my chest screaming, "I am your mother! You do not like people I don't like, and you do not talk to people I don't talk to!" She leans in close hissing, "You thinking on your own will only hinder what your father and I strive for! Do you not see how you are not a person! You are just my child! You are a nobody!" 

Mother keeps attacking me, and all I can see is the cold stone below me, and my scarlet river friends and their crystaline lake.

I wake up with another jolt. A silent scream echoing around my lips. I reach up touching my lips and then my throat. Nothing, there's no bruiseing... nothing. I look around terrified I'm going to be on that cold floor, and mother and father is there with someone else... demanding... commanding me... to hurt someone... they are not there... I am safe in a cacoon with a pillow below me. 

It takes me a little bit longer, to calm my heart and the anxiety. It's easier since I can listen to the birds chirping, and watch the squirrels dance from pot to pot. Heaert thumping solidly in my chest, the fear that once filled me dissipates in the calming air. I'm good at shoving away the fear, hiding it deep in my heart. Down, down, down in a spiral that only appears now and then. But when it does come out... it does as it just did, send me into a panic threatening to kill me of fright alone. 

I spend the rest of my night watching the old man. He's still sitting on the bed, stationary unmoving. A mountian range filling hte room mwith his stoic presence. It's calming in a way watching him. He must have been awake becuse his voice rumbles, "Why are you just watching me? What were you dreaming about? What are you thinking? Or are you just staring to stare? Maybe I have something funny on my hat?"

I grow angry voice growling, "Why are you asking me this? Why are you pertending to care?" 

He stops talking turning his body toward me, "Why are you pertending to be questionless?"

I growl, "Stop it! Just stop it! Are you trying to trick me? Are you just waiting for the right moment to hit me! To make me ever regret asking?!" 

His voice is quiet, "I'd never hurt you child." He leans forward, "I swear, that I will never harm you, ask... ask away child. Release all your questions." 

I struggle, looking around in fright.  I chock on my metallic words, "I... I... I just don't know how to ask?!" I'm sobbing the words flowing from my mouth, "I'm just scared! I was to wait by the train tracks, no one came for me. Mother and Father ordered me to stay, and yet I left! I left and once I get back they will punish me for disobeying! But how do I even go back! I don't know where I am! I don't know why I am here! I'm just... scared." I squeeze myself tightly into the cacoon, "Why are you asking me these questions? Why are you encouraging me to ask? Why do you even care about my thoughts!?" 

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