All Around The World

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"Coming!" Crowley said as he heard the ring at the door. "Oh, god somebody save me, it's that angel stalking me again" he laughed.
Over the last months they had become real great friends, it definitely wasn't what they had before, but more of a modern friendship, where jokes were the most common and having fun was what mattered.
"Oh Crowley, are you going to do that every time?"
"Probably, yes."
And that's how their trip began. Aziraphale had planned everything. Starting on Turkey, they'd be traveling all around the world, visiting places they had been before, completing their old jobs, a trip through history, since the begging to their present, the arrangement and all they had been through. Although Aziraphale knew Crowley probably wouldn't care at all, over the last month he had read every single history book on the bookshop, and he would be Crowley's tourist guide for the next month or so.
An angel and a demon, who doesn't know he's a demon, get on a plane, ready to explore the world. Anyone would think of that as the start of a pun with a funny ending, but this was no pun, and the ending was to be written.
"Yes, as you might have forgotten, Turkey was part of Mesopotamia."
"But Istanbul, that's like, way off that area if I'm not mistaken."
"Yeah well have you tried looking for a hotel around there my dear?"
"Thought so."
Then, Aziraphale proceed to give Crowley the full historical context on the place, if one there was one thing that Aziraphale could do, it was memorising tons of information and processing them to make a story out of  them.
"We used to meet every once in a while, mostly during important events, I remember the great flood, the one with Noah's ark, you were so upset because one unicorn scaped, you were talking about it for weeks!"
"Wait so unicorns were actually real? I understand why I was upset, I'm even upset now and it's been 5000 years."

Then, a week later came Rome. Aziraphale had always loved Rome, ever since year 41 when he had met Crowley, and thinking back to that time, Crowley had probably been looking for him, that they met at that bar was probably no coincidence, that's how he ended up realising that Rome was special, because it was clear how Crowley seeked the angel's company, even if it took him a few years to realize that.
"Oh Aziraphale, this is beautiful!" Crowley was loving Rome, it looked so ancient yet somehow modern, he loved that, although for some reason he felt some bad vibes there, something deep inside him was twisting.
"It wasn't back in the day, really tubulent times when we met here, and you were weird, you had your hair cut, I used to love those beautiful long curls of yours, but that was way back."   Aziraphale hurt everytime he spoke about the past, their past, all along history, in all his most memorable moments, he always found Crowley there, with his weird yet elegant way of walking, his funny little tricks for humanity and his laziness, that ended up on their agreement. What a nice ginger demon he was, he hoped that someday, he'd come back.
"My hair's perfect" Crowley said, making an emphasis on the 's', just like old Crowley would have done, that was new on him.
Aziraphale obviously noticed, but automatically thought about coincidence and forgot about that, some things were better left alone.

And then, there was France, one of Aziraphale's favorite places in the world, mostly for the crêpes, and the food, and everything. Tasty, tasty crêpes, that was all Aziraphale could think since their arrival, but first he had to show Crowley around, later, he could have all the food he wanted.
However, Aziraphale's priorities were constantly changing, and processing all that information about France with an empty stomach was not on the list, so he took Crowley to his favorite place, a restaurant. He got peckish every once in a while, France had that effect on him.
"Welcome to Paris my dear, fancy some food?" Priorities first, Aziraphale thought.
If Aziraphale ever got back the old Crowley, there was something he would miss about this one. He knew how to taste food, slowly, unlike he did in the past, where he was capable of eating a three course meal in about ten minutes, and he would take about half an hour to finish his coffee, because according to him, coffee was nice and needed proper apreciation, as if the rest didn't matter.
One week in Paris and Aziraphale had stuffed himself with crêpes, he could feed on them for the rest of his life as if it were fuel for a car, and Crowley was partially disgusted by that, at the same time he thought it was cute. Seeing Aziraphale enjoy so much something gave him tickles down his spine, he didn't know why, so he just assumed it was some sort of rest from his old memories, Aziraphale said they had been dating, so it wasn't anything from the other world, but Aziraphale had also told him he was a demon, and he couldn't quite believe that. Shouldn't he be doing some evil deeds somewhere instead of going for a month with some angel who actually claimed to be his friend? But he learnt to understand Aziraphale and all he said. He ended up believing him, but he wondered, where did all his demonic powers go?

And then they flew back to London, back to where in 1941 a bomb dropped on a church, which was now rebuilt almost to perfection. It had crossed Aziraphale's mind that maybe Crowley couldn't step inside it, so the didn't, and this time there wasn't even a historical context to tell. Everyone knew about the Nazis, even this Crowley, but nobody really understood how could a bomb drop there, on a church, when the bombing was supposed to be on the other side of London, nobody except Crowley and Aziraphale, although now it was only Aziraphale. Thinking about this made him incredibly sad, he also felt angry, he had lost all that he ever wanted in less than a minute, something that started right at that place around 70 years ago, and he didn't know he wasn't ready to face it. A trip all around the world and that hadn't helped Crowley's memory, what was the use of trying anymore? He had officially run out of ideas.
All of this crossed his mind in silence, while Crowley just stared, noticing the humor change of the angel.

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