Devil's Kisses are the Angel's Wishes

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That kiss was not going to be easy, but both of them had been through wars, revolutions, and Armageddon, what can possibly be harder than that?
Crowley held Aziraphale's shaking hand, poor angel, he really wanted this but just looked so scared...
"Aziraphale, look at me, it's okay, come closer, and if you need just close your eyes, and follow me"
"I can't Crowley, I can't. You're everything I've ever wanted, but now were here, you are about to kiss me, the perfect place, my dreams, I feel like I can't because I'm actually embarrassed I won't do it right, because I don't want to ruin this, you are the most beautiful thing I have Crowley." However Aziraphale had only said the first part out loud, the rest had been on his mind but his mouth won't pronounce the words, like if someone filtered everything he said.
Crowley took his hands up to the angel's face holding both cheeks and coming closer, the angel, who was clearly blushing even at the soft light of the moon didn't know what to do anymore, so he just wrapped his arms around the demon's neck and closed his eyes, just like he told him. "Do anything you want, I'm ready" Aziraphale said, clearly not ready and nervous but almost giving up to the temptation, he wanted this, he knew that.
"It will be just a second okay angel? There is nothing to fear, just follow my lead" whispered Crowley really close to the angel, his hands still on the cheeks, glasses off. He came even closer, now taking his hands to the back of Aziraphale's head, closer, he pressed gently his lips against the angel's and started kissing him, like he wanted for a really long time, how Aziraphale dreamt.
They extended their first kiss longer than a second of course, probably half a minute, even more.
Under the stars, something beautiful was being created, love, the most beautiful of all forces ever created. Even if Aziraphale was still shaking, he was happy and enjoying every second.
They stopped kissing, now their foreheads lied together making them look at each other.
"How was it angel? How did you feel?"
"I-I think I even forgot how to speak" Aziraphale whispered, more calmed, at least he was not shaking anymore, and he was smiling.
"He's beautiful" thought Crowley "Shall we do it again?"
This time Aziraphale took the lead and kissed the demon, now he knew how to, now he knew all this years he had been madly in love, he felt complete, he was happy, Crowley made him happy.
Now Crowley was everything Aziraphale wanted, even after their second kiss finished, he wanted more, but laying with him, on that mantle and looking at the stars was more than enough for now. Love was on the atmosphere, and now the stars were shining even brighter, like if they had some sort of connection with Crowley that made them shine when he was happy.
This day had been a rollercoaster of emotions, a not so ordinary day, and Aziraphale thought that if this is what his days from now on were going to be like, he could definitely get used to it.
But there was still something to do, Aziraphale hadn't really opened his heart to Crowley as he had done, and he was more than willing to, while he looked at the demon, a million happy thoughts and words to say came to his mind, but at some moment he got lost in his thoughts, he was still happy, but the smile was almost gone, he now knew, that moment had to end, he had things to do, he couldn't postpone.
Even when he said he needed to go and Aziraphale had thought that the romantic moment was over, sadly, Crowley's face changed to a tender expression, something he hadn't seen before but that the demon had done a few minutes before, he got up and got closer to the angel, for a goodbye kiss that Aziraphale treasured like the most important book of them all, even if they had to return together, that had to be the last kiss of the day.
"See you tomorrow angel" said Crowley when he dropped Aziraphale at the bookshop.
Aziraphale couldn't wait for tomorrow, he couldn't wait to have another kiss, he had actually liked it, and now he felt addicted.

Hey it's me again.
I don't really like making side notes but I just wanted to say this chapter was extra painful to write, it is based somehow on me and it hurts like hell all these feelings ;-;
Also an announcement: I'm going on vacation for a month so updates may take longer. And also that from now on, this will become a sadder story (but I may just add some funny extra chapters in between)
And about content of the story, this is just how far I will get, I don't like writing sexual scenes (although everytime I did, they turned out very well) and I won't be writing any as part of the story, probably as I said before I would be adding a few off-story chapters, there might be one, but only if in a future is highly asked for or I run out of ideas, so for that, don't worry about explicit content.
And lastly, all side notes or whatever you can call this will be made in the comments section as I did with the Hamlet thing (Again, I'm sorry Shakespeare stans, I still love you)
That's all, I hope you are enjoying this so far and I would highly appreciate if you voted or made any suggestions, I'm open to new ideas.
And an extra note on this: some chapters have songs as titles, normally I take inspiration on those, for example last chapter was Caught in the Stars by Cherry Pools and the chapter is fully inspired by the title.
Next chapter's name is a Dinosaur Pile-Up song title (I'm listening to them as I write this), so if you are ever curious about a chapter, ask me about the title and if it's a song I'll send it to you so you can listen.
Thank you for reading.

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