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"Any news?" Crowley asked Muriel, as he did every single day, knowing full well, they wouldn't say anything to Muriel, as she was quite down in the chain of angel command.
"Nothing" replied the angel with her always sweet and innocent smile. She hadn't been able to bond with Crowley, even after him coming over for weeks, and weeks, every single day.
"Agh, why don't they tell you anything? why can't I know? where is my angel?" Everyday, the same questions, always unanswered, but each time angrier and more desperate.
Muriel wanted to help him, obviously, she wants to help everyone, but during her stay on Earth, she'd been slowly learning, that's not entirely possible.

She'd noticed Crowley's mood decaying day by day, she knew at first he was angry, and during the first days she just watched him stare across the street to the bookshop in his car. One day, he knocked on the door, and when she opened, he just left, as if disappointed it wasn't Aziraphale opening the door. The next day, he knocked again, this time, instead of going away, he entered without saying a word and sat down, she could tell this time he was more sad than angry.

Today, Muriel was holding one of Aziraphale's journals. She didn't know that yet, but she'd been wondering around the bookshop, sooner or later she was bound to find them. Of course, Crowley did notice.
"Put that back where you found it, now" he said, he definitely sounded angry. "And don't you EVER dare to read it or anything that looks like it" Crowley believed Muriel wouldn't do so, she'd been strangely obedient in the past, what would change now?
"Alright, putting it back where I found it" she said, but she had been already a few weeks on Earth and started picking up on a few things. She'd just read them later, when he's gone.
Humans were funny that way. They'd lie to get their own way, many, many times. Why should Muriel be any different?
"Do you want a cup of tea?" she asked.
"I don't drink tea. I don't want anything, theres only one thing I want and you already know what it is"
It seemed to Muriel that holding those books had made Crowley more talkative today. Maybe this was her chance to help him.
"Listen, I know I'm new here and I don't know much about people, but, you like him, and you've known him for a long time, you should look for him"
"I don't know where to start, I don't even know if he's here on Earth" Crowley seemed even more desperate.
"Last time, they were talking about the second coming right?" Muriel was thinking how not to anger the demon "Then maybe you should find a place on Earth related to the first one." Muriel had clearly no idea about second comings, but she was willing to try anything to help Crowley.
"That's not how-" Then the bookshop phone rang.
"A. Z. Fell & Co, what can I help you with?" Muriel answered with the sweetest voice.
"Hi, Muriel" It was a familiar voice "I know Crowley's in there, tell him we need to talk." Then, the voice hung up.
Muriel put the phone down slowly, as if she did not believe who she just talked to.
"Crowley?" She started "It's him, he said you need to talk."
"Who is 'Him'?" The demon answered impatiently, knowing well who 'him' was.
"Aziraphale, he said you need to talk"

And with that, Crowley looked out the window. Outside, a well dressed Aziraphale waited, looking at the bookshop as if he could see through the walls. He wasn't wearing his usual beige clothing, This time, Aziraphale was dressed in pale grey clothes, just like Gabriel had been dressed before.
Crowley opened the door and, while some may think he run towards his angel, he actually did not. He just walked across the street, as if he feared Aziraphale, just to be met with two beautiful purple eyes looking at him.

This was not his Aziraphale.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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