Chapter 55- Lunch Room

Start from the beginning

"We're sad that you couldn't make it to the Pizzeria, then again that's Mason's fault," Jackson says to Bo changing the conversation.

Bo nods his head, "Yeah, I would have preferred some pizza over getting shot in the side."

I let them continue their conversation not paying to much attention to it and just observing the lunch room. You can see all the different cliques sitting at their tables. You would be able to guess each category they fit in by just looking at them and none of them ever mix, well most of the time. If they do it's because of a fight or something like that. Fights happen almost at least once a month, whether it's a petty girl fight or some brawl between a popular and hick their bound to have some kind of tension.

I eat the distasteful lunch food made by our badly paid lunch ladies. The amount of money they make for such a shitty job where they have to deal with high school kids must be the worst thing. That's the last place I'd like to see myself doing in ten years but with the path I'm walking right now it doesn't seem very unlikely.

As I continue to scan the lunch room I make accidental eye contact with Madison who is glaring daggers at me already. I roll my eyes and look away continuing my scan. Out of the corner of my eh I see her get up and grab something. I don't acknowledge it right away until I realize that she's walking towards me. You can here the click of her boots as she takes her daunting steps towards me. Once she is near me I sit and wait for her to do her worst.

I'll admit I didn't expect what came next. I don't even get time register in my brain until I feel a cold liquid on top of my head and drip down everywhere. There is also some cold ice that follows with it and by the smell it seems like some coffee. I stand up in shock as if it would stop the cold dripping liquid from dripping everywhere else.

"Oops, sorry that was an accident," Madison says with a sly smile on her face.

This was obviously her payback from when I spilt coffee on Destiney. Before I've even registered it in my brain I'm lunging at Madison. We both fall to the ground in a puddle of coffee. I pin her to the ground pulling her hair causing her to wince.

Someone easily picks me up off of Madison and I try to kick them to get out of their grip. I'm unsuccessful in doing so, I think this person is made of steel or something.

"What is happening in here!" I right away recognize the principals voice.

I then hear somebody start crying, "S-she attacked me so I poured some iced coffee on her to get her off of me."

I look at Madison who is fake crying on the floor also now covered with coffee.


I fucking hate this office and doesn't make it any better that I'm being forced to sit her with cold wet clothes on. Anybody who looks at me can see me visibly shaking but they don't trust me to go get my clothes changed.

The principal walks into his office, his face red with anger, "Ms. Fischer, explain!"

"She twisted the story, she poured the iced coffee on me first. I'm sorry I wasn't thinking rationally when I lunged at her and pulled her hair but she initiated it," I explain.

"That's what I've been told by a few other students again while others are backing up Madison's claims. We are reviewing our cameras to see what happened but no matter who started it both of you will be getting suspended for two days," he says sitting in his chair and going straight onto his computer.

"What?! That isn't fair and you know that!" I yell at him.

He glances up and glares at me, "Watch your tone Ms. Fischer or am extending your suspension and giving you lunch duty."

I don't respond after that and sit there in silence for a while. Eventually he reads me the school guidelines and the specific reasoning for my punishment. Then finally, I'm let out of that cramped and cluttered office. I go straight to the gym locker rooms to where I know the girl gym teacher has some spare clothes usually. I only know this because on my ninth grade year I got my period earlier then usual during gym class. So, the gym teacher pulled out a stash of actually decent looking clothes and let me take whatever.

It doesn't take me long to get some new clothes which end up being a pair of black sweatpants with a long sleeve graphic tee with some 80's band. It's probably from a concert or something someone went to as it's a nice material.

It's nearing the end of fifth hour right now so I don't bother to go to class but instead I sit in the commons where Bo and I say last time. I wait for the bell to ring and wait for Bo to show up for our free period. I think he's going to be pretty shocked when he learns both Madison and mines consequence for our little fight. I really hope that's the end of the payback but I can only imagine Destiney won't even be satisfied with Madison's work. I know to expect hell, especially if you get on Destiney's bad side.



How are you guys doing?

So, it's been awhile and a lot happened in my life and I'm a complete mess. Writing has become a great escape these past few days to get away from drama and such. It makes me regret to stop writing before because it's honestly a good way for me to get my mind off of everything.

I'm hoping you guys don't absolutely hate me for disappearing but I'll try to come back and get back into the flow of things and maybe hopefully finish this book in the next few months if I can keep up with it.

I also really want to say a huge thank you to the people who have continued to support me even when I've mysteriously disappeared. Thank you to the new readers of my book who also supported my story as well. Of course though thank you to anybody just reading this or my story. Y'all mean so much to me and you actually help put a genuine smile on my face.

I want to add a comment though that the last time I thanked y'all for the amount of reads we were at it was like at 75k+ I think... we are now at 95k+! I am absolutely baffled that I'm about to hit 100k and I don't know how to react except repeatedly saying thank you. So, thank you thank you thank you to each and everyone of you. You guys make this possible and help keep me motivated. I wouldn't be here without you guys. We are also at 2.64k+ votes and that's amazing by the way. Thanks to everybody who votes because I never want to tell you to vote because if you enjoy this chapter you have the option to let me know by hitting the star icon. Even if you still enjoyed and just don't usually vote on stories I'm not gonna take it to heart if you don't vote. Also, thanks for the nice and funny comments. I try to respond to all if I can and they all make me smile, so thank you for that. <3

I need to end this authors note now but I love you guys to the moon and back and I wouldn't ever replace you for anything. Thank you! <3

Hopefully I'll see y'all in the next chapter! Bye byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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