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Monica sat at the table waiting for Brooke to arrive. She had grudgingly made herself look presentable. More than presentable actually. She looked good as hell. She was still mad at Gloria for her nonchalant demeanor when she got ready. So she may have over did it as a means of retaliation. Gloria nor her lips had left her mind since their kitchen encounter. Monica repeatedly asked herself had that really happened or was it some type of daydream. She had plenty similar dreams before.
Brooke arrived to the restaurant at least ten minutes ago but she was sitting in her car nervous as ever. This was Monica Gwen. One of the most popular girls in school. Why did she want to have dinner with her? Brooke wasn't a loser or anything of the sort but she definitely didn't run in the same circle as Monica and Tiffany.
Was this a date or just the prelude to a favor she needed? Brooke scoffed at herself. She didn't possess anything that Monica could want or need. It could just be the beginning to a friendship. Yeah maybe it was just friendship. After all Monica wasn't gay. She had boyfriends. Brooke thought about it for a second. Sure Monica had guys around but Brooke had never actually seen or heard of Monica date anyone actually. Maybe this was a date. Brooke stopped talking to herself and headed inside.
Monica stood when she spotted her approaching the table.
Damn, Brooke thought, Monica looked like a dream. She was always beautiful but the dress she was wearing showed off all the right parts. They hugged each other. Brooke thought Monica smelled amazing and her skin was soft to the touch.
"Hiii." Monica said sweetly.
Brooke smiled. "Hi, you look really nice."
They sat down.
"Thank you. So do you." Monica liked the way Brooke dressed. She was a tomboy. Her hair was cut short and she usually wore it in her face or under baseball hats at school but tonight her hair was tamed and neat. She was wearing a blue button down with a pair of tan pants. She was cute. Honestly, she reminded Monica of Cameron which didn't hurt.
"Are you nervous?" Monica asked. She couldn't help but notice how fidgety Brooke was being.
"What? No." Brooke shrugged. "Okay maybe a little."
Monica smiled. "Don't be. It's just me."
"Yeah but it's you in a dress." Brooke said.
Monica thought Brooke was funny. That was one of the things that attracted her to Brooke. "Well they say if you're nervous you should picture the audience naked."
Brooke's eyebrows raised and her cheeks reddened.
Monica laughed.
"You're funny." Brooke said. She was already having a good time and they hadn't even ordered yet.
"Just another one of my charming characteristics." Monica teased.
Brooke swallowed the lump in her throat. "If I don't ask you this now, it's going to bother me all night."
"What's up?" Monica asked.
"Is this a date?" Brooke asked shyly.
"Oh!" Monica was taken aback by the question. "Um.." she wasn't sure what to say. If she said yes, she would be coming out of the closet. Tiffany was right, everything about this evening screamed date.
"Sorry. You don't have to answer that. I just-"
"Yes." Monica said abruptly.
"Yes? This is a date?"
"Yes." Monica's heart rate had increased at least two times the normal speed.
"You should have told me. I would have worn my date shirt." Brooke joked. She could tell Monica wasn't one hundred percent comfortable with it yet.
Monica smiled weakly. She was confused. She really liked Brooke but she had such deep feelings for Gloria. "I'm not really out to many people. Just Tiffany. So I don't..." She couldn't find the words. How do you say "I'd never actually claim you in public" politely?
"You're not out yet. I get it. My lips are sealed." Brooke said.
Monica nodded. "Thank you."
"I should have known. Tiffany was way too excited to invite me to your party. She has never spoken to me a day in her life." Brooke said.
Monica laughed. "I asked her not to embarrass me."
"Don't worry she was very cool about it. She even tossed in a little wink before she walked away. It was a nice touch."
Monica slapped her forehead with her palm. "I'm sorry."
They both laughed.
"It's all good."
The waiter came and took their order. Monica enjoyed her meal with Brooke. They talked about everything. School and family. Their friends. They were so engulfed in the conversation, they didn't notice they were the only ones left in the restaurant.
Brooke picked up the tab after arguing with Monica about who got to pay. Monica finally gave in after Brooke told her she could pay next time.
Next time.
Brooke wanted to see her again? This dating thing was very new to Monica. The only girl she had ever kissed was Cameron and now Gloria, but she had never actually been on a real date. Now someone wanted to take her on a second. It was an extraordinary feeling. Brooke walked Monica to her car.
"I had fun tonight." Brooke said.
"Me too. Thank you for coming."
"Of course." Brooke stopped herself from staring at Monica's lips. They were so perfect.
"So, I'll see you at school?" Monica asked.
"I'll be there."
Monica chuckled. "Good."
Brooke decided to just go for it. She might not get another chance to kiss Monica Gwen. So she did and to her relief Monica kissed her back.
The kiss was simple. No tongue. They kept their hands to themselves. It was pure, innocent. It felt nothing like the kiss she shared with Gloria. Monica felt bad for comparing them and shook the thought from her head.
"Was it okay that I did that?" Brooke asked.
"The thing about consent is, you have to get it beforehand." Monica teased.
Brooke bashfully lowered her head. "Sorry."
Monica gently lifted her head. "It was fine. Goodnight."
"Goodnight." Brooke said. She stood there watching Monica drive off until her car was out of sight. She fist pumped and got inside of her car. As far as first dates go that was perfect for Brooke.
Monica got home later than she originally planned. Thank God for the street lights or she wouldn't be able to see a thing. Suddenly she heard a whistle. She looked around but didn't see anyone. She kept walking towards her front door.
"Hey! Slut!" Tiffany yelled from her bedroom window.
Monica laughed. Why couldn't she use a phone like normal people? She'd wake the entire neighborhood.
"Come here!" Tiffany shouted again.
Monica looked at the time and sighed. She walked over to her friends house and stood on the lawn.
"Owww. Damn girl!" Tiffany exclaimed from the second story. She was teasing but Tiffany thought Monica looked beautiful.
"You are so obnoxious. Throw me the key!" Monica said.
Tiffany giggled and tossed her best friend the house key. Monica let herself in and quietly made her way to Tiffany's room.
"Spill!" Tiffany squealed as soon as she saw Monica's face. Monica sat on the bed and began telling her everything from the moment she saw Brooke to the kiss they shared. Tiffany asked so many questions it felt like Monica was in an interrogation but she loved it. She adored that Tiffany was as interested as she would be if she was dating a boy. It really didn't matter to her. Monica was so lucky to have a friend like Tiffany.
Monica's phone began to ring. It was her dad.
"Busted." Tiffany said.
Monica answered. "Hello?"
"Tell Tiffany goodnight. You still have school in the morning."
"Goodnight Mr. Gwen!" Tiffany said smiling.
"Okay. Coming." Monica rolled her eyes.
"See you tomorrow, Mo." Tiffany playfully smacked Monica's butt as she left. Monica pinched her. Both girls giggled.
Monica crept down stairs and had to cover her own mouth to keep from screaming. Gloria was standing at the bottom of the stairs.
"Oh sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Gloria whispered. She offered Monica a steadying hand.
"Well you did." Monica said catching her breath.
"I was just cleaning the kitchen and I thought I heard your voice."
Monica furrowed her brow. "It's midnight."
"I couldn't sleep." Gloria fiddled with her ring. She couldn't sleep because she was thinking about Monica.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes. Just restless. How did your date go?" Gloria asked though she wasn't sure why. She didn't care to hear the particulars.
"Very well." Monica said smugly.
Oddly enough that boiled Gloria's blood. "Okay. I'm sorry for acting like I didn't care when I did. I don't want to play that game anymore." Gloria whispered so low Monica could barely hear her.
Monica smiled. "Thank you. That's all I wanted to hear."
Gloria smirked and rolled her eyes. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight." Monica echoed.
Before Monica could leave Gloria pulled her back and kissed her. She wasn't going to let her leave again without doing it.
It left Monica speeches. She groaned.
"What are you still doing here?" Tiffany's voice rang out from the top of the steps.
Monica's heart stopped. How long had she been standing there?
Gloria cleared her throat. "Monica was just telling me about her night. Why are you still awake?" Gloria asked.
Tiffany smiled widely showing all of her teeth, waved, and went back to her room. She didn't have a bedtime per se but she knew her parents liked for her to be in bed by a certain time on school nights.
Monica waited to hear Tiffany's door shut. "Has it been four days yet?" She asked.
Gloria chuckled. "Goodnight, Monica."
She sighed. "Goodnight, Gloria."

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