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Gloria's wet blonde hair clung to her head as she stared at herself in the bathroom mirror. She had lost track of time while she was in the shower, her newest favorite place to cry. Gloria had a seemingly perfect life to the outside world. A successful and handsome husband, a beautiful home, and two children that adored her (most days). She didn't want to seem ungrateful or paranoid but she couldn't help but feel as though her marriage was falling apart.
She has suspected for months now that Allen was being unfaithful. She couldn't prove it but things were different between them. Distant. Their bed of 20 years had become cold at night and she didn't know how to fix it. She has tried everything. New lingerie, a different hairstyle. She even tried to ignite role play. All of it to no avail. She felt hopeless. Still she carried each day as best as she could, with a smile on her face. After all, she had kids to take care of and a home to tend to. She had friends to keep her busy. She loved Allen, but if she was being honest with herself, she knew deep down that their relationship grew stale ages ago. The routine between them had become monotonous. More chore than romance. They said I love you to each other out of habit, dare to say obligation even.
Gloria knew Allen cared far too much about his public reputation to ever let anyone think he had problems at home. The last thing she had to worry about was humiliation and gratefully so. You should hear the way some of the housewives talk about the women who have been cheated on, or worse, left for another woman. You would think it was their fault alone.
Gloria wrapped herself in the towel and began blow drying her hair. She had to get herself ready to drive her youngest to school since her oldest refused. Her children loved each other but like any siblings, they liked to fight. It was just easier for Gloria to take Jackson, her son, to school and let Tiffany, her daughter, do her own thing.
Tiffany needs her space. She's a young woman now. She's seventeen with a life of her own. The last thing she needs is her prepubescent brother throwing off her vibe. Tiffany was popular and well liked at school. Plenty of friends, but none closer than Monica. They've been inseparable since kindergarten. If you saw one there's no doubt the other wasn't far behind. Kids at school called them Ebony and Ivory. It started of as joke, but it stuck.
Monica was one of the few black girls at their school. She was just as popular and well liked as Tiffany. Just as beautiful. Boys and girls alike flocked to her. However, she had never been interested in the boys. Tiffany was the only one who knew about her friend's attraction to same sex. They told each other everything and Tiffany would never tell a soul. Except her mom. Her mom didn't count.
Unlike most teenage girls, Tiffany had a close relationship to her mother. She respected her, but she liked her mother too. You could almost call them friends.


Gloria knocks on Jackson's door before opening it. "Good morning Jack. We're leaving in an hour."
"K." He says sleepily. He'll do as he always does. He'll remain in bed until the last minute, rush through a sloppy morning routine, and sprint out the door.
Gloria knocks on Tiffany's door but she waits for the invitation instead of just entering.
"Come in." Tiffany says. She has already started her day.
Gloria walks in and smiles at her beautiful daughter. "Well you're up early." She says.
"Yeah. I'm riding with Monica today and she has to be early to work on a science project or whatever. You know she's a nerd." Tiffany continues to straighten her hair in the mirror.
Gloria chuckles. "You'd do well to take note of her hard work. She's a smart girl."
"I'm not?" Tiffany eyes her mother in the mirror.
"I didn't say that, Tiffany."
"I'm joking, Mom. Relax." Tiffany chuckles as she checks herself out in the mirror.
The doorbell chimes throughout the house.
"That's probably Monica. Can you let her in please?" Tiffany asks.
"You know after all these years I'm surprised she doesn't just waltz right in. I know I would." Gloria says.
She opens the door to see an always stunning Monica. Her rich brown skin   glowing in the early rays of sunshine. Not a flowing hair out of place.
"Good morning, Monica." Gloria said ushering her inside. "Come in."
"Thank you. Good morning Mrs. Cole." Monica said. She always thought Gloria was a beautiful woman. Every time Monica saw her she was immaculately dressed. Admittedly, she had a bit of a crush on her best friend's mom.
"Tiffany should be ready soon. Feel free to join her." Gloria said. She liked Monica. Gloria found her to be mature and we'll rounded. She felt good knowing her daughter had smart and responsible friends like Monica around her.
"I'll wait here, if that's okay. Between you and I, Tiff has trouble multitasking. If I go up there, she'll want to talk and we'll never leave." Monica jokes.
Gloria chuckles. She knew that about her daughter. Tiffany has always been a chatty Cathy.
Monica adores the sound of Gloria's laugh. She purposefully said funny things whenever Gloria was around just so she could hear it.
"You look really nice today, Mrs. Cole." Monica said shyly.
Gloria inspected the white blouse and grey slacks she had haphazardly tossed on after her shower meltdown. She hadn't thought twice about her outfit choice but it was nice to receive a compliment. God knows how long it had been since one graced the lips of her husband. "Thank you, Monica. That's sweet."
Monica smiled politely and turned her attention to her best friend trotting down the stairs.
"I'm dressed and ready on time aaaand early. There better be breakfast involved in the ride to school." Tiffany demands.
"As promised." Monica says.
"Tiffany do you need lunch money?" Gloria asked.
"No. Dad gave me money before he left this morning. Love you. See ya later." She kissed her mom on the cheek.
Monica wished she could do the same but maybe the lips instead.
"I love you too." Gloria says. She waves bye to the girls as they leave. She watches them walk to the car before she closes the door. Suddenly there's a light knock. Gloria opens the door to see Monica smiling at her.
"I'm sorry. I forgot my keys." Monica slips by Mrs. Cole casually sliding their bodies against each other.
"Oh. Excuse me." Gloria says stepping back. The physical touch, albeit brief, sparked something in Gloria she hasn't felt in a while. Lately she's has been starved for affection.
"Excuse me." Monica says slyly. Monica grabs her keys and walks toward the door. She looks back at Gloria one more time and winks. Winks? Gloria wasn't sure how to respond to this. She slowly closed herself inside the house and rested her back against the door.
Gloria sighed and regained her composure. She was letting her feelings of abandonment get the best of her. There's no reason her teenage daughter's best friend would be coming on to her. Right?

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