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"Oh Chim~! You're home," Hoseok smiles.

Jimin looked at Hoseok and show a sad smile, "yeah."

"How's your day?"


"Really?" Hoseok paused himself from looking at the tv, to Jimin.

Jimin plopped next to Hoseok after taking chips. He sigh silently seeing Hoseok are waiting.

"Yeah but not really. I also went to the clinic nearby to check on my eyes," He says.

Understanding the situation, Hoseok sigh, "I've told you not to check it by yourself. It will make you upsets."

"I-I just want my eyes to be normal again."

"I know but what can we do if the doctor said they also can't do anything with it?" Hoseok asks him.

Jimin sigh, looking down at the chips, "I'm also tired of seeing this things. People might be thinking I'm weird."

"Chim, I understand your feelings but trust me, you will get used."

"What do you mean by I will get used of this? I doesn't like myself now. I hate the fact that I can see ghost, and I know exactly where they are," Jimin explain and look at Hoseok.

Hoseok looks behind him and sats closer to him, "stop scaring me out, chim."

"What? I wasn't."

"Why are you staring at my back?"

"Cause they're there,"

Hoseok shouts, spanking Jimin. Jimin giggles, "I'm just kidding."

Suddenly, Hoseok's phone ringing. Jimin took his phone and look at the dialer.

Seokjin Hyung is calling..


"Yah, Jung Hoseok! I've called you so many times! Where were you?!"

"Oh, I was waiting for Jimin. I skipped college remember?"

He hears Jin scoffed, "when will you learn, huh? Anyways, have you told Jimin about it?"

"Not yet," Hoseok answer while looking at the waiting Jimin.

"But, I think I can read his face of the answer."

"Yah, hyung! Just tell me!" Jimin suddenly interrupt.

"Well, just told him Hoseok-ah. We needing him the most."

Hoseok hummed, "I will. See you later, hyung?"

"Yeah, see you later. Bye."

"C'mon hyung. Spill it." Jimin growls.

Hoseok chuckles, "same thing. Will you?"

Jimin stare at Hoseok, "again?"


"No! I don't want! I've told you many times hyung." Jimin whine.

Hoseok show him his pleading eyes, "Jin needing you the most."

Jimin keep quiet, staring at Hoseok.



"Hoseok! Jimin!" Jin cheers after seeing them both. Hoseok ran to Jin and hug him.

"Hi Jin hyung." Jimin bowed and hug Jin after Hoseok.

"Hello, Jimin. I'm glad you're here to. We really needs you," Jin grins.

Jimin fake a smile, "not a problem. And, who's with you anyways?"

"Oh! This is Kim Namjoon. He will be waiting here while we go inside the school. He will check anything around us. He also already put some cameras before you both come." Jin explains.

"Oh~ Hello Namjoon──"

"And he's older that you both." Jin added with a smile.

"Hyung." Hoseok and Jimin added at the same time.

Namjoon bowed, "I've heard about you both a lot. By the way, you're Jimin?" He asks while asking Jimin.

"Yes yes. I'm Jimin,"

"Is it true that you can see, things?" Namjoon asks.

Jimin nodded slowly, "uhm yes. I can see ghost since I was a little and I doesn't even know how."

Namjoon nodded and pat Jimin's shoulder, "it's okay. I know how is it feels. Are you really want to be the part of this group?"

"Of course we want!" Hoseok cling himself on Jimin's neck.

Jimin looked at Hoseok, "uhh,"

"It's okay. You will get payed for doing this too anyways,"


"Yay~ Chim accept to be part of our group!" Hoseok cheers at Jin.

"I can't believe it too~" Jin joined.

Jimin glance at them and roll his eyes, "just because I want to get payed I joined." He whisper in his heart.

"Did you see anything, chim?" Hoseok asks, while sticking with Jin behind while Jimin walks in front.

"Not yet." He answer.

Hoseok pouts and turn at Jin who's busy checking Namjoons message of all the cameras around. "Is something already around?"

Jin Shook his head, "Namjoon are still checking."

"C'mon Chim. Are you sure you didn't see──" Hoseok stops.

"Wait, Chim? Where are you?!" Hoseok shouts.

Jin stops and looked at Hoseok, "Hoseok? Why?"

"Jimin are missing."


"Jimin isn't missing. He's just checking around. I sees him on the camera 3. He's upstairs." Namjoon said by the cellphone.

"Upstairs? Jin hyung, let's go get Jimin," Hoseok pulls Jin.

Jimin opens every single door. He looks around. "There's nothing in here." He mumbles.

He opens another door in front the stairs. He check once but then he sees a girl's back figure. He blink his eyes twice.

"Why there's none? I schools here isn't?" He hears the girl says.

He frowned. He refused to say that she's a ghost but at the same time she really looked like one.

"What are you doing here?"

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