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"Jimin, I'm sorry for what happened──"

Jimin quickly shook his head, "no, hyung. It's okay. I'm just, a little me sensitive that time."

Hoseok smile, "then, let's have a wine~!"

Mina sigh, seeing them so happy to drink a wine. While she just sat in front the table where the drink, and watch them have the moments.

"Let's play some bottle spin?" Jin suggest.

"Yeah! It would be great~!" Hoseok shouts, of being drunk.

A minutes has passed they still on going on playing that bottle spin. The worry on her face of seeing Jimin drunk could be seen. Then, she noticed the bottle stops on Jessica.

"Okay! So~ Jess. Do you, have likes any of guy in our group?" Jin smirks.

"Hyung, that's obvious." Hoseok says and pokes Jin.

Jessica who's half drunk, laugh. Slowly shook her head, "no.."

That's where the silence begin. Hoseok slowly looks at Jimin.

Mina heard that. How can she does not like him? She stare how Jimin's expression changed.

"Why would you ask that kind of question, Jin hyung?" Namjoon whisper.

"Well, it's getting awkward." Hoseok looks down.

"I think, we should stop playing now." Jimin stood up, going to the kitchen to takes water.

Mina just stare the way Jimin, changed. From excited to a sad ones.

"Jimin, c'mon."



The water starts to flash everywhere. Then, Jin starts to did the same how Hoseok splash into the water.

"Wow, that's a great spin." Namjoon chuckle.

"Jimin! Jessica! Let's get inside the water!" Hoseok shouts.

"Nah, hyung. J just take a shower earlier." Jimin says. Jessica seems agreed to Jimin too.

Jin and Hoseok starts to pull Jimin and Jessica from sitting to the water. They're at the lake where Mina was yesterday. Mina smile at their actions.

"I'm so jealous over you, Jessica. You can feel this feelings before you're gone."

Then, they groups starts to flash water at each other. After two hour passed, they're taking photos at the lake.

"Now, Jessica and Jimin," Hoseok smiles, holding he camera.

"Gets a little bit closer, guys. It's just a friendly picture." Namjoon smile.

"Yeah! Like that! One two──"

Then, Mina push the two away from being close, Mina being at the center. Jimin looks at her the, Hoseok.

"Yah! I said, gets a little closer, right?!" Hoseok sigh loudly.

With a force, Jimin push Mina away to be close with Jessica. Then, they starts to smile. But, being a stubborn Mina, she won't stop. She mess Jessica's hair when the picture captured.

"Oh." Hoseok froze of seeing Jessica's messy hair in the photo.

Mina laugh loudly, seeing Jimin glares at her deathly, "I won't give a fuck!" She shouts at Jimin.


Then, the lake starts to be silently, peaceful. Mina who's have been there since the guys left, she watch her feet being inside the lake and out.

Oh, how much I wish I was still alive.

Then, Mina's mind were stopped when she notice Jessica comes at the lake alone, taking a small breaks like Mina did. So, Mina ignored her, acting as Jessica was her enemy.

After two minutes of silence, Mina suddenly heard Jessica's scream. She quickly stood up and sees Jessica suddenly being pulled inside the lake.

"O-Oh my god. J-Jessica!!" Mina shouts. Hoping her shouts could make Jimin comes to save her.

Then, it's right. Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok and Jimin comes straight. Mina were being pushed when Jimin goes inside the lake to save Jessica.

"How can she fall in the lake when she's alone?" Hoseok starts to worry.

Then, the guys starts to help Jimin gets up with Jessica on his hand.

"Her legs are bleeding. Jimin, buy some bandage while we helped her." Namjoon said, Jimin quickly stood up.

But, he stops when Mina were watching.

"Jimin, I didn't push her. I swear," Mina said when Jimin pull her.

"Then, who is it? Only you and her were on the lake Mina. How much you hated her, you can't betrayed me like this."

"But, I didn't push her! I just sat there alone!" She shouts.

"That's why I told you to not follows me too, but you stubborn. I shouldn't have met you this early." Then, Jimin left.

Leaving Mina alone there. She feels like her heart was ripped of being accused. She looks down, preventing her tears.

"That's right."

"I shouldn't have follows you."

"And you shouldn't have met a stupid ghost like me."

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