CHAPTER 4: What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

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What the hell was that all about?! Why was she talking to my brother? He has a damn girlfriend. Ugh, disgusting.

I had suddenly lost my appetite and just wanted to leave. So I left with Nina back to her place before heading back to the house and luckily when I did, my brother was already asleep which was nice because I didn't want to talk to him right now.

The next day

During the last class of the day, creative writing, which I happened to share with Korinna, we were watching the end of some kind of a movie that we were supposed to pay attention for the past couple of days but I couldn't stand it.

Once the movie was over, the teacher asked all of us some questions about our thoughts and about the story itself.

"Arlan, what are your thoughts?" She asks me.

"Honestly? I thought it was too cliche of an unrealistic fantasy about love. It's the reason that girls have these high expectations and put so much pressure on guys when the truth is that stuff doesn't exist." I tell her with a smile of satisfaction.

"Interesting. Does anybody else agree or does anybody have anything different to say?" She announces as she looks at everyone.

Nobody says anything for a moment until I hear her call on Korinna.

"I don't think she was asking for much. There are some girls that do actually use guys for the wrong reasons and are over dramatic, but that's the same with guys and how they treat girls too. However, what she really is asking for is someone to care about her. To love her even with all her flaws. Not be so into looks or popularity. Sometimes people have to just listen. If he had done that, he would have ended up with her and not the other girl." She says while still looking down at her desk.

"Impressive. I like your take on that story." The teacher smiles.

Meanwhile, I can't help but feel weird, almost as if I feel bad? Thankfully the bell had rung and everybody began to leave. It's sad really though that she believes in all of that stuff and proves my point that it's almost like false advertising. It's even like getting someone's hopes up. Cause it's not real and it isn't that us guys don't listen. It's them having false high expectations.

Throughout the day me and Rick ended up hanging out and shooting some pool along with the rest of the guys. Nothing like hanging out with my friends.

"So, I heard you got in a debate today with miss piggy." Rick comments.

"There was no debate. I was just informing her on the truth about that love bullshit not existing." I tell him before I take a shot.

"Yeah. Girls complain all the time about how insecure they are because we want model type girls and how that's unrealistic, yet they want a knight and shining armor to come and rescue them. It's a fucking joke." He laughs.

"Tell me about it. I mean, love makes you vulnerable and gives easy access for people to fuck you up. Not to mention can leave your ass broke if you're dumb enough to fall for it." I comment.

We play pool and continue having fun until we were getting ready to leave. Once we got outside, the guys were all laughing about something as I came walking out after going to the bathroom.

"I know right?" I overheard Rick tell our friend, Weston.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just about your reaction when you saw your brother talking to Korinna." Rick winks as he takes a drag from his cigarette.

"What? I could care less. I was really irritated at Nina." I tell him.

"Okay, whatever." He rolls his eyes as him and the guys all start to laugh.

"Shut the hell up!" I snap at him irritated.

"Why you getting so defensive?" He laughs.

"You're a dumb ass." I call him.

"And you're full of shit." He tells me.

"Fuck you bro." I say.

"Really? Wanna wager on that?" He asks.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask.

"You guys used to be good friends right?" He asks.

"Yeah, so?" I reply.

"So, then how about I bet you $500 that you can't make her trust you again?!" He suggests.

"Trust? Pff. Really? That's too easy. Give me more of a challenge man." I say.

"Okay then, let's up the bet. I bet you $1,000 that you can't only make her trust you again but that you can't make her fall for you." He smirks.

"You've been watching too many cliche type movies. That's stupid." I roll my eyes.

"Fine, if you think you can't handle it." He says after putting out his cigarette.

"I can handle it. That's just a childish and idiotic bet." I tell him.

"Fine." He says before turning around and getting on his bike to get ready to head home.

The guys all start to look at me as if I really am too chicken shit or something to take on the bet. My god, what the hell am I doing?

"Fine! You got yourself a bet." I tell him as we shake on it.

"There's the Arlan I know." He jokes. Then he begins to take off.

What have I gotten myself into? I'm not sure if I can pull this off.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Sorry it's been a day or two since I last posted, it's been crazy busy here. :) But here's a chapter for this story and the other ones will be posted shortly also.

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