We Really Shouldn't Have Dinner Parties

Start from the beginning

"Sweetie what's rude is you thought you looked good in that horrendous thing you dare call a dress. I have a trash bag that will do you more justice than that piece of...actually shit is too nice of a compliment for you." I choke on my wine while Sofia just smiles like it's nothing.


"What my brother merely wishes to make certain we're on the same page. So who would like to begin?" I ask ignoring Aurora's annoying cries.

"Well, Lucien and I have always loathed one another. Had we arrived as allies with news of a bleak future, you would've doubted us. We sought to remove suspicion by maintaining appearances."

"Oh, my dear. These pathetic lies promise to be as difficult to swallow as your stuffing this year, Niklaus. Walnuts, honestly." Sofia chuckles from Elijah's comments.

"Don't worry darling your nuts are wonderful." She purrs in my ear full knowing everyone can hear. I clear my throat.

"The bottom line is, we came to protect you, and ourselves. And our sires. We have never wavered on this point..."

"And the bodies on my streets. Is that your protection as well?"

"It's business as usual for The Strix." Lucien states downing more of his drink.

"An old tactic used often, and to great success. Jack the Ripper, Son of Sam. A frightened human populace is that much easier to control. If tourism should decline, and local vampires are deprived of fresh blood, well you saw how quickly Marcel joined our ranks."

"Pedestrian. I would have expected more from such gaudy theatrics..."

"Well, if one wanted to obtain a certain item, in, say a private collection, but one was not invited to the home where said private collection was located. A police investigation could come in very handy to remove these items as evidence."

"I take it that you are referring to the medallion."

"I suppose it was my sister who shared that bit of information." Tristan is pissed at Aurora for the slip of the tongue.

"Don't blame Aurora, you two are hardly conspiratorial geniuses." I come to her defense which causes Sofia to grip my thigh hard and I hide my grimace at her strength.

"Funny story. It turns out, all along that the medallion was in the hands of Nik and Sofia's friend Camille the bartender-slash-therapist. Had to get her arrested in order to search her goodies, so to speak. But I would never allow any harm to come to her. Knowing how much she means to Nik and Sofia." Sofia and I are silent trying to control our emotions.

"A medallion that could lock us away. Hardly seems like a wise strategy for those come to protect us. Hand it over." I look at Lucien.

"And release Rebekah."

"Uh, just a tick. Aurora has Rebekah? Huh?" Lucien points out to everyone.

"No reason why I shouldn't be trusted with my sire's safety."

"Of course. Unless you were to have one of your episodes." Sofia lets out a loud laugh causing Aurora to glare at her and Sofia to raise her glass to her.

"Easy, Lucien. My sister sought leverage to protect herself. Who among us would do otherwise?" Tristan adds.

"Niklaus, would you politely remind me why we shouldn't just compel them all to give us what we want?" The three of them begin laughing like Elijah said the funniest joke in the world.

"I'm sorry, did Elijah say something amusing?" I'm ticked now.

"We lost a century to compulsion my love." Sofia tenses as Aurora calls me this. "And some of us lost a great deal more. Surely you can't believe we'd allow ourselves to come here vulnerable."

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