He gave a dark chuckle and then stepped closer to me. "So you are the one I have been looking for. Good. Well then you probably want to know who I am don't you?" he said as he took a step closer to me. He was so close now there was probably only an inch between us. I pushed myself back as far as I could against the tree but he was still so close.

"I am Prince William son of King Xavier" he said with a dark tone as he flashed the tip of his fangs at me. All the color drained from my face. No. No this cannot be happening. King Xavier had been searching for our village for as long as I could remember. He hated my father and wanted to see him dead all because my father was the leader of the human rebels fighting for our freedom from the kingdoms oppression.

"Well it's obvious you know who I am judging by your pathetically scared face." He sneered. "Father will be so glad to see you. He has been searching for you for quite some time now. He said while twirling a piece of my hair between his thumb and pointer finger. Bile rose in my throat as he inched closer to me.

Play dumb it's the only way I could possibly get out of this. "I-I don't know what y-you are talking ab-about" I stuttered out silently cursing myself for not being able to keep my voice steady.

He chuckled again darkly "Really? So why do you look so scared Pet?" he whispered into my ear pressing his body against mine. My breathing hitched and my body stiffened. He chuckled again and moved in even closer putting his weight on the ball of his feet so he is pressed even closer to me. "I don't like being this close to strange men I don't know" I snapped out. Shocked by where my sudden confidence came from.

He didn't move but spoke again. "Oh Pet you and I both know I am not a man. That's an insult to my kind. Now look me in the eyes tell me who I am." His voice came out harsh as he moved his upper body away from me so he could look into my eyes, but he kept his hips pressed against me holding me prisoner against the tree. He looked me in the eyes and I couldn't look away no matter how hard I tried. I was frozen in his stare immobile. My breathing was becoming labored even though I wasn't moving and my head started dully throbbing.

What's happening to me? The throbbing is get worse and turning into a sharp stinging pain behind my eyes. It keeps increasing worse and worse till I am gasping for breath and feel like thousands of needles are being pressed into my eyes. I can't look away from his eyes and they changed from their solid black to a stormy grey. He's doing this to me he has to be. I have heard stories of some of them having the ability to do certain things with their mind. My brain is screaming for me to beg him to stop but I can't give into him. I won't be found weak.

"Get out of my head" I grit out through my teeth. My hands are in hair shaking the pain is getting worse. How is this possible? My vision is starting to blur with white spots. "I said get out of my head!!!" I screamed. The pain stopped at once and he stepped away from me. I fell to my knees gasping for breath. There was no pain at all. It didn't even feel like anything had happened.

I look up to him smirking down at me. His eyes have gone back to solid black and he has humor in his eyes. "Well that was fun, but sadly we have business to take care of. Now I know you are Caroline Woods, daughter of Brian Woods who is the leader of the human rebellion. We have been looking for you for quite some time my little Pet." He says in a matter of fact kind of way while I stand again.

"I told you already I have no idea what you are talking about. Also stop calling me Pet. I am not an animal I am a human being" I snap at him. He moves faster than I thought possible. All I see is his hand come flying towards me and I feel a stinging pain on my left cheek. That jerk just backhanded me! The force was enough to knock me to the ground. I try to sit up but he is suddenly on top of me. He is straddling me and has my hands above my head trapped in one of his hands before I can even blink. I struggle against him but all he does is chuckle.

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