Chapter 3

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So sorry for not uploading in forever but i do hope this will make it up xx enjoy...


(Irene P.O.V)

(Same time as the last chapter)

Hey I'm here did you miss me..... Anyways I got to my locker I was greeted by an Indian girl with lush, short and black hair with enchanting brown eyes and might I add quite plump red lips. (A/N- I actually look like that, I'm trying not to sound vein!) Trust me I ain't no lesbian, but this girl was really pretty!

"Hi I'm Yumna, I heard a lot about you!" Yumna introduced herself (no Indian accent, an American one), with a bright and warming smile.

"Hey I'm---" I was about to introduce myself when...

"Irene Kapoor, news spread here like a cantagious disease. I heard Justin's got eyes for you. You bettaz becareful 'cos boy, does that kid get greedy when it comes to girls. He will go in anyones's way just to be with a single target" Yumna explained and interuptted, I just gaped like a loser.

Wait is this Justin, Justin Bieber who was eyeballing me yesterday. Oh dear lord I sense my future become a drama series. Well may the typical high school begin... (Got that off the Hunger Games- does it work well?)

"Ok well thanks for the heads up!" I replied with a false voice and smile. Yumna was just about to talk when 3 other girls just appeared out of nowhere.

"Yo Yummy what lesson we got?" One of the girls asked, Girl A.

"And did we get any homework? Girl B asked reassuringly.

"Hey you that the new British chick which Justin's been eyeballing, 'sup? I'm Asmara, but you can call me Azy" Asmara "Azy" said with a wecoming smile.

"I'm Ammin (Prounounced Emin)" Girl B said with a huge and cheeky kind of grin. She seems like the loud one to me. Hmmmmm....

"Aka the annoying ass, just jokin' sweety. And I'm the wonderful Vandelia! But call me Van for short" Girl A said whilst waving her slim arms around.

Quick judgement Yumna seems like the kind of socialble, pretty and popular girl (A/N- I'm kind of like that except I'm really shy and quiet except when I'm with my friends!!!), Asmara seems that kind of pretty, kind-of-quiet and smart one, Vandelia seems the kind of gal who likes to be crazy and spontaneous, the kind of life of the party but she's also quiet pretty and Ammin well the kind of girl who is loud, sociable, free minded and spirted girl. Well I sure landed myself with a mixed bunch. The bell rang interuppting my thoughts. I quickly realised I needed to get my essentials for the next two hours, so I did as did the others.

"So Irene you comin' to class?" Ammin asked.

"Yup" I replied with no emotion.

--------In class------

How wonderful I'm in the beutiful world of.....Biology! Where we discover the natural science of the world, which includes REPRODUCTION! I swear I'm about to get up and smack the living gas ou of the teacher, she is seriously boring me that much. We all are some of us are in a tranceof our own thoughts, some are just whispering heck some have even fallen a sleep! Basically we all are not paying attention what so ever what's going on. I'm jsut writing whatevr is on the board just to make it looka s though I am paying attention, but as I was blindly writing I felt a hole at the back of neck. As though someone is drilling a hole in it withy their laser like eyes. I turned around to have seen Justin Bieber.

"What You looking at?" I growled at h in a whisper. He smirked and leaned closer.

"Just admiring such goddess beauty, anything wrong?" he replied with a sincere face, but the eyes was practically crying out 'Fuck me!' huh as if!

"Yup, 'cos I aint interested in your shit" I replied with a 'you got owned' smile. He was just gaping at me like a lost sheep, poor kid. NOT! I turned around with a satisfactory mood. For the rest of the day went by smoothly people just ya know been friendly and polite. But Justin just kept sending me death glares like as he is trying to say 'You haven't seen anything yet!'

You know I'm a tad bit nervous of what Justin is planning on doing! Well tall to you soon with more gossip xx

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