Chapter 12: Your What?!

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I've never done dating very well...If that's even what one would call this. I was horrible actually at it actually. I never knew what to wear. I was always late, and I'd almost always get a call about a case or something that would basically ruin the date.

But there I was in Alex's apartment picking out dresses.


"You can't wear that, you look too houchy," Alex sighed as she sat up against the headboard, taking another spoonful of her ice-cream.

"Hou- did you just call me houchy?" I laughed throwing a pillow at her.

"Houchy mama," she laughed as she got off of the bed." On a serious note... We need to fix this."

"You know how much I dislike dresses, can't I just go in a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt?"

"Are you kidding? Your first real date with Stabler? The squad would hate me if I didn't doll you up, we've all been waiting years for this Liv... Bets were placed, very important bets were placed,"

"The sq- did you be-" I stopped myself... Did I really care? No. Plus I know that she did. "You know what? Never mind."

I dug through the pile and picked up an off white Grecian style, flowy gown with a high neckline. It was soft, simple and flowed beautifully. "How about this," I offered to hold it up against my body.

Alex just about leapt from her spot on the bed to where I stood. She took it into her hands and held it up to me herself, seemingly putting together the outfit in her mind. She unzipped the blue satin dress I was wearing and I quickly shed it before getting into the other one.

She tied it at the top and spun me around. She looked me over then her eyes doubled in size and a smile crept onto her lips.


"Do not move," she commanded before running into her bathroom. She reappeared seconds later, with a simple, gold necklace which had a turquoise blue pendant on it.

"Ok, turn around,"

Alex hooked the necklace onto my neck then made another dash to the bathroom.

"Close your eyes!" she shouted from the bathroom.

A few seconds later I heard a noise followed by a thud.

"Are you ok?"

A pause.


The image that stood before me was one I didn't get to see often. Aside from the few undercover ops and the once-in-a-blue-moon blind date, work slacks and shirts were my outfit of choice. I had to admit that I looked damn good.

"You look so great, I love this so much... I don't know if it's the hormones...but I feel so emotional like you're my daughter and this is your wedding day and-" Alex stood there my eyes already red, tears brimming.

Yup, it was the hormones.

"Hey... Are you okay?" I quickly try to envelop her in a hug but she pushed away.

She swatted me away, "Its not the hormones."

It's definitely the hormones I call after her as she flees the room.

"Take a seat by the window, he used to love to see the skyline when we all used to go there.." She said as she fixed the neckline of the dress for what seems to be the tenth time.

"Yes, mother." I mocked before stepping out of the car, "He's probably there already anyway."

"...And oh! Try to get the table to the back...It's the most romantic" she shouted through the car window.

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