"Okay, so now that everyones here I just want to say you guys can make yourself at home and by that I mean-"

"She means act like an adult and not like a child. This is serious business and I will be happy to send anyone who doesnt follow the rules home if I have too" Margaret finishes for Susan.

She nods and continues, "yes, the same routine applies here as there. There will be food and drinks and things for you guys and hopefully, you brought the proper clothing for the next couple of days. I have no idea what's going to happen for the next few days so"

I look around at everyones eyes on Susan, Mia catches me and smiles in my direction.

"Zoe" I turn to Susan. Everyone looks at me.

"You want to do this, I figure you'd have some sort of explanation or plan for the future or what happened this morning" she says.

"Um sure" I get up from my seat and head toward the same spot Susan occupied a couple seconds ago.

I open my mouth and close it back when I see how everyone waits for me to speak, I clear my throat.

"Well I just want to say I'm sorry about this morning, that was not how things were supposed to go of course. It was the high Rollers and as you all know they were there to get me and I knew it. I saw them and before Stacey came to get me, they stood there watching and waiting to see what I'd do" I stopped to breath for a minute.

"What do you mean they waited?" Ava asked.

"They waited for me to react, they know about my powers and I guess they figured I would try to save everyone and use my gifts making it my weakness and that would be the perfect time to attack" I explain.

Susan nods, "yes that makes perfect sense"

"Or they did the bombs and they just wanted to distract you guys and myself so they could get me and separate me from you guys"

"I heard the bombs before they exploded. There was something in my mind that allowed me to hear the sounds of the beeps I heard, there were five of them but only four bombs and so I waited for the last and it never came until..." I looked over at Margaret and John.

"Until the camp" Margaret spoke.

I nodded and swallowed the emotion rising in my throat, "I'm sorry about that also. If it weren't for me then you'd still have your place, you guys all don't deserve the terrible things I've brung with me"

"Zoe, you have to stop blaming yourself" Stacey speaks aloud.

"Yeah Zo, it's not your fault your so great and powerful that they want to get you. We are still here and safe because of you" that was Mia.

"Yeah" I rub my right arm with my hand.

"So with that said, what's the plan?" John asked.

I nod, "well we stay here for as long as we can until we know for sure what to do about them"

"Is there anyway we can track them before they come here? If they do" Jake questions.

"I have no idea but we should be ready if they ever try something, and I think we should all stick together just in case" I finish.

"Okay" Margaret stands from her seat, "we should start practicing soon. Give it a day or two of break and then we start and I mean no games"

Everyone nods, "Zoe your in charge of practice, however you think we should go about it, that's what we'll do" Susan tells me.

"Okay" I tell her.

"Alright, I guess meeting is over. You guys can go about your business until we get ready for bed" Susan leaves us all and heads into another part of the house.

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