19. Supervision

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   After Levi finally left I took a long warm shower and crawled into bed and stared out the big windows that look out onto the water. This place is perfect, I can only imagine how beautiful the wedding was. Levi has started to makes me question a lot of things lately, according to Chris he was a manipulative and obsessive but even from the moment I have met him he's been nothing but gentle and patient with me, I don't know if I could ever see him hurting me physically. I look over as I hear my door open slightly before Luke walks in and smiles.

  "Hey you" he says walking towards the bed

"Hey" I say sitting up

  "So are we ever gunna talk about why the hell we haven't ditch this guy yet or what?"he says laying on the bed up against the headboard

  "I cant leave or he won't release my father" I say softly not looking up at him

  "Fuck" I hear him say after a moment and I nod

  "So what do you think of him" he asks after a moment.

  "Levi?" I asking looking up at him


"I don't know" I say looking away again

  "Do you remember anything now?"

"No, this is all new to me too" I say and he just nods. We end up talking more about this island and Los Angeles before we both end up falling asleep. I really wish I could remember.


I wake to a bright room as the sun beams in through the big windows, I look over but Luke isn't in the bed?

I stand and walk over to the window in a sleep shirt and underwear and see Luke and Levi out on the beach fighting again?! I open the door and run down the deck onto the beach screaming at them to stop, I make it up to them and grab Luke and pull him away from Levi.

"Stop! What the hell!" I yell but Luke just laughs as Levi wipes blood off a cut near his eyebrow.

"It's a rematch" Luke says laughing as his face is already red and bruised

"No, this stops now" I yell separating them more

Levi just shakes his head and begins walking back up the beach to the house.

"Where are you going?" I yell after him but he doesn't say anything

"What happened?" I ask turning my attention back to Luke

"He wanted to go again" he says grinning


"He came in your room this morning" he says smirking. He must have saw Luke in the bed with me.

"What did you say to him"

"What I knew would make him mad" he grins.

"What?!" I yell

"Did you tell him we slept together??" I say starting to get angry

"Why are you mad? It's the guy who abused you" Luke says starting to get confused

"Luke don't tell people we had sex when we didn't" I say then start walking up the beach away from him.

"Do you like him?" Luke yells up at me from the beach but I ignore him and continue back to the house.

"You" I say walking in the house seeing Levi in the kitchen. "That's it, no more fighting, fucking grow up" I say walking into the kitchen.

"No promises" he says drinking some water

"No, promise me right now" I say sternly not letting up

"What?" He says putting the cup down on the counter

"You love me?" I say looking at him, not breaking eye contact.

"Yes" he says after a moment.

"Then promise me" I say again.

"Alright" he says after another long moment.

"Good" I say walking back out of the kitchen back to my room.

Why are they children, like seriously?! I can't leave them alone with out them hurting each other. And why do I care?! Levi is a piece of shit for what he did to me and Luke has been acting like a cocky teenager, he hasn't been the same with me since Levi has been around. It's like the day before hell didn't exist and we didn't have a moment. I don't know what to think.

I change into some decent clothes before doing up my hair and getting ready for what ever the hell it is one does in Bora Bora with a demon hybrid and a cocky angel who hate each other.

I walk back out into the living room and out the window Down the beach I see a man standing next to a boat in the shore line? I look over at Levi, who is also in new clothes, a white loose t shirt with a pocket and I laugh to myself when I realize he's wearing 'Levi's'.

On the other side of the living room is Luke sitting on one of the loungers, both of them sitting in complete silence. At this point I'm accepting it would be a cold day in hell if they ever actually got along, and not that they should, it would just make this whole situation easier.

"What are we doing?" I finally ask Levi and break the silence

"We are going into another island to a small village" he says looking up at me.

"Okay" I say walking to the door and out to the deck, moments later I could hear as Luke and Levi follow close behind. I walk down the beaches to the man by the boat as he says something to me in French.

Luke comes around and sits at the back of the boat and I sit beside him facing the opposite way as Levi speaks to the man in French before they both also got in. Levi than comes around the front of the boat facing me and the man sat at the back as he started up the motor.

I look out at the water as I listen to the man start the engine as we drift out into the water before kicking it into high gear as we rip across the water out into the sea.

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