Emile finally put the kiddos down as they giggled with happiness.

"And who's this?" Emile asked, crouching down to Virgil's height as he tried to hide more behind Patton, "did you guys adopt another one without telling me?!" Emile asked, looking up at Patton.

Patton giggled, "no, Logan wouldn't let me. This is Virgil, he's the neighbors kid! He stays with us a lot, practically one of the famILY already! He's a little shy though." Pat explained.

"Aww, its okay Virgil! I won't bite!" Emile tried to reassure, though if we're being completely honest, now Virgil was scared that he would bite.

Like, literally.

"Come on, Virgil! Uncle Em is nice!" Roman said, trotting over to Virgil and trying to nudge him forward in which Virgil refused to move.

Roman sighed, trying to come up with something else. He grinned when he thought of something, whispering it quietly in Virgil's ear so that nobody else heard.

"If you come say hi to Uncle Em then I'll sneak you one of daddy's special cookies!" He whispered.

Virgil thought about it for a second.

Patton's special cookies were true to their name. The best cookies in the world some might say (which most have). And Patton never reveals the recipe to anyone. Not even Emile or Logan! It was taught to him by his late mother, Emily, who never told anyone except Patton who had developed her love for baking. Not even her wife, Ash, knew! And unfortunately never would know. But at least it lived on through Patton! And he will never tell anyone.. until the time is right.

Virgil nodded finally, agreeing to the deal. He clutched Xantremous tightly as Roman lead him to Emile by his sleeve. Emile smiled at the fact that Roman was able to get him out of his shell. Even if it was through bribery.. Which no one will know anyway.

"H-hi.." Virgil stuttered very quietly, still hiding his face with his spider. The fact that Roman was holding onto his sleeve right beside him was helpful and comforting as well, making it much easier.

"Hya Virgil! My name is Emile but you can call me Uncle Em, okay?!" He said in his usual happy tone but a bit quieter as it was obvious that Virgil would most likely get scared if he started yelling.

Virgil nodded with a small smile, even though he barely talked and probably would not call him uncle Em considering that fact, but maybe one day. He noticed how similar he was to Patton. He looked a lot like Patton, and kind of the same personality, with Logan's formality and the same glasses as both. Did Patton convince everyone to get the same glasses as each other? The answer to that was an obvious yes.

"You like Pat." Virgil commented.

Emile looked confused, "yeah, he's my brother?"

"No, silly! He's trying to say that you and daddy are simawar! Simawar? Simalar? Similar." Roman corrected.

"Ahh, yes, I suppose we kind of are!" Emile said, as if he hadn't recognised it himself, though now that he thought about it, they really were.

"S-Sowwy I no talk good" Virgil apologized, feeling bad that he couldn't quite say proper sentences yet, especially to authority figures.

Roman gave Virgil a small hug to make the younger one feel better. It worked immensely though Virgil still felt a little bad.

"He's saying sorry that he doesn't talk good. He gets shy around big people. But he talks to me really good!" Roman explained.

"Aww, that's okay, buddy!" Emile comforted.

"If it makes you feel better, he rarely talks to anyone this much. Well, except me!" Roman said, adding the last part proudly.

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