(16) - Run

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The tension lingered in the air like a foul smell; the pungent gazes of bemused individuals intensifying the growing stench of distrust. Elena sat on the couch unmoved by the previous events, behind her a glaring Jake stood proudly with his arms crossed as everyone focussed their looks on a bewildered Hero. The majority of people were lingering outside of the room, pining to know what was happening but nothing extravagant had occurred since they entered the lounge - instead they basked in the deathly silence waiting for someone to talk. Elena slowly leaned back in her seat before sighing, her body twisted slightly as she raised an eyebrow and decided to break the growing quiet.

"Craig?" She scowled looking at Jake, she was utterly perplexed by the previous conversation and decided to start piecing together the confusion.

"He's Craig and I'm not entirely sure why he's pretending not to be or whether or not his memory vanished." Jake shrugged nonchalantly.

"Surely if he was Craig then people wouldn't be calling him Hero?" She defended; she always grew protective over her friends. She was like a lioness protecting her cubs and she would never let her friends be walked all over.

"You do realise he can defend himself."

"Yes, of course he's going to defend himself whilst you evidently have a gun glaring him in the face. One wrong word and bang, his brains are decorating your house right," she seethed, her eyes trailing to the gun that protruded from his belt.

"Fine." Jake huffed, he took a few steps around her seat and slammed the gun on the table between Elena and Hero, and Jake retraced his steps and sat on the arm of Elena's seat. "You can talk now," Jake commanded before leaning forward on his elbows.

"Look, I don't know who you think I am but I can assure you whoever you think I am and what you think I've done, I haven't. Could you please explain who you think I am and maybe I can prove myself?" Hero huffed and sent Jake a half hearted smile.

"Why can't you be nice? Why must you be so hostile all of the time, maybe you need to take a leaf out of his book." Elena growled and pushed Jake's arm feebly, his body remaining unmoved by her actions. After a tense argument outside the three of them had been ushered into the lounge by The Godfather where they were advised to discuss the issues there. It had surprised Elena that nobody else was getting involved. Surely, everyone would have whipped out their guns and started firing wildly at the mere appearance of Gabriella's potential predator.

"Where were you during July of 2011?" Jake questioned trying to get some answers of his own.

"I can answer that!" Elena interrupted enthusiastically.

"What did I tell you about letting him talk for himself?" Jake rolled his eyes.

"What did I tell you about being so hostile?" Elena growled and Jake merely chuckled at her childlike antics.

"That's easy, I was in Spain with Nela, and we spent a few weeks travelling around July and August with a few of our other friends." Hero explained, his posture becoming more relaxed at the simplicity of the question.

"That's impossible Craig." Jake tensed, his eyes narrowing sceptically.

"My name is Hero," he scowled beginning to grow annoyed at Jake's foul behaviour towards him.

"Don't be rude, I'm not interested in using my gun today." He threatened towards an irate Hero.

"Are you kidding? Damn it," Elena exclaimed, she abrupt leant forward and grabbed the gun and stood up annoyed, her feet moving towards the door.

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